This page was last Updated on April 26, 2020
My new painting – “Crossing the Swamp” “Never give up. Never lower your light. Never stop till the swamp is dry.” – Jon McNaughton For a list of figures in the boat:
The Forgotten Man, which depicts Obama trampling on the US Constitution, has been bought by Fox News anchor Sean Hannity, who plans to present it to Trump. Photograph: Jon McNaughton
Trump the Rider by Jon McNaughton
Image of NGC 4258 (M106), a spiral galaxy in the Milky Way. This is a composite image made up of
X-rays from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue),
radio data from the National Science Foundation’s Karl Jansky Very Large Array (purple),
optical data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (yellow)
and infrared data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope (red).
Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Caltech/P.Ogle et al;
Optical: NASA/STScI;
The Red White And Blue Nebula!!!
To Contact your Federal Representative, Click here!
Here is the MRC's new campaign Tell the truth from the liberal left wing media!
A brand new organization Media of Mass Corruption new campaign for 2013
And MRC's Media Research Action activities!
Here is MRC's EYE Blast TV! division!
This is Eyeblast's Video done right division
Here is Video Channel division
clock here for MRC
Media research's Blog for EYEBLAST
Here is Media research's partner organization:
The Cybercast News service
and another... The Free Market Project!
And another News!!!!
Here is Mrc's video offerings
and here for
Inter markets...get a market quote and more
And a sample video
Click here to subscribe to cnsnews' almost daily tell them you want the daily free service as seen in the flash!
NEWS letter
Click here for Media watch's New York Time's Liberal/Left wing media bias watch
Here for Bussiness and
And here for Culture and
And last but not least
Let's put Media Research in your will!
Brand new, IT's MRC TV!
Here is Laura Ingraham's website
Here is a Blog From Michelle Malkin
Something new Michelle Malkins twitter consoladtion site
And here is Ann Coulter's website
The Global Incident Google MASHUP
The Terrorist Warning report page
The Global Phoenix Intelligence group
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Central Intelligence agency
Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection information.(For DOD Employees)
Havaia Infomacios Szolgoist - Riaztasi terkep(Mian Map)
Here is their
Carribean severe weather alert map
Here is their
Tropical Storm (World Map) Alert page
And here is their Pacific Ocean storm monitor map
And here is their South American Alert map
And here is their European alert map
And here is their Asian alert map
And here is Mongolian Alert map
And here is South east Asian alert map
And here is their USA CANADA Alert map
And here is their Indonesia alert map
And here is Central American Carribean alert map
and here is Austrailan/ New Zealand alert map
Another site Expose
Click here for
Is OBAMA qualified to be President????
Click here for
a report on the OBAMA FRAUD(as of 11/08)
Click here for The Communist party USA is joyfull over Obama's election""
Click here for Commie exposing communists in the US Government
Is Obama qualified? I Don't think so??
Click here for Victims of
BAILOUT prize patrol
Here is Andrew Breitbart's Main Page
Here is Andrew Breitbart's Big
And ... Big Hollywood
Another one is" Big
Another one is Breitbart TV
Another Patriotic Video media source Is Big VoicesMedia
And last but not least Big
This section for Conservative News forums,newsletters etc....
A newsite it's Conservative Intellegence !!!!
AND here is david horowitz's Conservative review of Federal Legislatures
Here is the web site for Michael Savage
Check out Town Conservative blog headquarters
Here is Little green footballs
And here is The News blog Truth laid bear
Here is Hugh
Here is Hugh Hewitt's spin off site Victory
And check out Robinson and
And another spin off is Pajama TV!
A new website as a result of 2008 is The NEXT!
another one is RE-Build the
Click here for Top Conservatives on Twitter
Click here for
yet another site to fight to to restore our 5th amendment property rights
check this site out for American Voice, source of patriotic radio on the net
Check out Censored news stories by the left wing news media
Discover the latest efforts of local governments to steal your property!
Information on terrorists at peoples truth forum!
Here is news accumulator....
Here is Freedom Works.....
Here is Minuteman Headquearters!
And here is MinuteMAn Political Action Committee
A new site is: Secure
And this is: Right
Click here to Seize Liberty!!!!!
Here is a new media effort its
And here for The
Click here for It's wingtv net
Click here for the Eagle newslist webpage
I have moved EagleNet over to my personal website and created new forums as well.
The main EagleNet website
A new sub section for the crest it's We the people coalition
Here is the We the People main page
And here is We the people
The new forums are located (also accesible from the main page) Todd Jumper
Here is conspiracy on-line Daily conspiracy on-line
The Norristown, PA Newspaper, The Times Herald
The daily Montgomery Co, Bucks Co, PA newspaper: The Intelligencer Record
The Washington Times a relatively Conservative Newspaper in the Nation's Capitol The Washington Times
An Important Paper for Philadelphia!!!!!! The Philadelphia Business Journal
Check this one out ...... Fox news better than the others????
Here is America's Future WEB site: America's Future
You got alternative news sources here!!!!
Let's start with NEWS CHOICE
An Alternative News Service, The Drudge Report
Christopher Ruddy has a news source!!!! Christopher Ruddy's news service
Here is a web site for a radio show in Baltimore MD. 21st Century Radio with Zoe Heiromouys!
Chris ruddy has another site News Max !!!!
Alternative news with a conservative focus Conservative news ORG!!!
Alternative news service The Alternative news service
Yet another alternative news source NEWS COM
Another alternative news source The Aim report
This is another conspiracy oriented news surce World net daily news
Here is the conspiracy site.... Conspire.COM
Here is Olie North's site North!!!
Here is another source of alternative news!!!!! THE WINDS ORGANIZATION
Here is alternative Dr. Stephen Burzynski alternative Cancer treatment
Just in time for forth of July is a new site The 1776 web net
A news source from which I obtain an e-list from is: The Konformist!
Talk about rumor mills! Here is Ru Mill !!!
A new challenge to it's freedoms
here is The Freedom Forum
another challenge to It's Gathering of Eagles
A private effort to search news, It's source for international as well as domestic news, it's NEWS BCC!
Here is the site of The Beltway Conservative newsletter Human Events
Here is Human Events' Book Store its HE Book Service Online!
Here is a source of Original Sources!!!!
One of the founding magazine it's William F Buckley's National Review
Here is The Freedom Channel
Another organization to protect our Second Amendment It's Citizens of America
Here is another anti-new world order site: The clark Public net
This site is another activists site: A Christian Militia site
Here is the Alabonic research center in Michigan AL-Abonic Reseach Center
The Committee to restore the Constitution has a web site in CO. The Committee to restore the Constitution
Here are Newspapers to link to:
The Spotlight or it is now known as American Free Press Headquarters of Populism
Here is the AmericanFreepress' subsidary The Barnes review
Click here for Public Library of Science
Here for Citizen Spokane Net (a conservative newspaper?)
And here for Road Block Registery
And yet another Conservative Alert site
Here is a new entry It's assassination science
Here is
Here is Retire
Information on campus nuttiness Campus
And Tounge
A new conservative site Free
And another new site is Founding
Here is a new Informtion Clearing House
Here is a new site it's Global!
Or here for!
Is there a conspiracy? If you are open minded
Indiscreet stuff about Bush and conspiraciesHere is the main page of the above article The
Click here for the official web site of The Ruckus Society
Here is the web site for The Southern "Poverty" Law center
Here is News Clips from the free Congress Foundation
And here is The GOP's main page
And A new site Republican for a reason
HERE is The Republican Governor's association
Click here for GOP DONORS Click here to donate!
Here is the source for GOP VIDEOS and Radio Commercials THE GOPTRUST
The GOP is seeking your input, click here americans!
Yet another source of Conservative news its Bush
Monitor Earth Changes here at It's
Click here for Consortuim news
AND here for Talk America!!!!
Here is Citizens against Governemnt waste
And here for Online course what justice looks like
Why not America first? Click here for America first Party!
Here is another source of information it's Rusty's Retreat!
Here is another news site:
Here is a great new effort It's The World News Network
Here is independent news from Canada it's Ontario Independent media
Check out David Horowitz's Discover the Left wing Networks
And David's Freedom
Click here for David's Front
Here is students for academic
Here is David Horowitz's News Real
Yet another website for Students Freedom Center
Another terrorism Awareness site from David Horowitz
here is Philly's Freedom center website
This is David Horowitz's Jihad watch
And David's Wall of
A Brand new one Truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is an updated Report on FEMA executive Orders
Here is Donald Rumsfeld's site
A report on America's SECRET Governemnt's Social Engineering???
Here is a new Iraq Status
Here for Under Standing
Click here for Ultra Enducation and Research Institute
And here for No New Taxes in Pennsylvania!
Here is the list of 35 restrictions the IRS puts on Government registered Churches
And here for a report on how disinformers do ther dirty deeds
Here is a report on The New america under tyranny??
This page for For what the UN has in store for you in Reference to Bio-Sphere reserves!
A David ICKE report on Under water volcanoes!
Click here for a report on how the bildeberg rules the planet
And here is
Pajama media!
Click here for: The Department of Defense Web site
Click here for Defense systems news on DEFENSE systems
site about mil site - fyi Mil site on the Quadrennial review
An analysis of the quardrennial Defense review
Click here for The Check point nullification project
THE WONDERFUL United States Constitution
The Also Wonderful United States Declaration of Independence
We start this section with the web site for the New Philadelphia, PA based
National Constitution CenterRightr across the street from the Constitution Center is Independence Hall and Historical Philadelphia Pennsylvania area history
Here is a site with reports on political open secrets!!!
Click here for The official archive of WWII Aerial Photographs
Here is a report on The state of Liberty in the United States of America
This page asks: Are proud to be an American???
Here is Col David Hackworth's Soldiers for truth Website
Regional Government is here Click here for Henry Lamb's report
And the main site.. News with views...
Click here for Synopsis/report on the report from Iron Mountain
Click here for Gun Control Works!
Here is information not gnerally known about The Bill of Rights
And here for Special Thanks for Bill Clinton
Talk about Conspiracy! The federation of American Scientists follow the intellegence agencies with open source material The American Federation Of scientists
Click here for news in the crypto world It's Crypto
Bill Cooper battles the new world order also Bill Cooper's unique view on things
Sherman Skolnick has his Skolnick Report Page
Here is Jason Martell's other web site, Big Brother is Watching!
To keep tabs onthe FEDS click here for Mike Causey's FED report
The following section is for important documents!!!
Here is the National Archive Of Documnents
Part one of the Council on Foreign relations Report PArt One
PArt two of the Concil on Foreign Relations report Part Two
Click Here for the Contitution for the New World Order
Here are some interesting quotes from "Environmental Scientist Steven Schneider Speaks
Here is a recent report on the Federal Emergency Management agency
This document (State Department Document 7277) Is the basis of the theory of convergence with the United Nations!!!! State department Document 7277
This sub-page asks the Question Who is Maurice Strong?
This sub-page is The Patriot's Poem!
This is another important Document Death to the New World order.. Vampire Killer 2000!
THis link for the important Report from Iron Mountain
This is the announcement of the United Nation's Fascist Global Goverance Session
This document spells out the danger of Executive orders Executive Orders
This document lays out the 25 rules of Propaganda
Speaking of the United Nations, I found the United Nations Charter on-line! The United Nations Charter
Click for the model United Nation's Free ordinance
Speaking of important Documents Here is one that was in the news recently unabomber's manefesto
here is a another Unabomber site It's
Here is the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto
Here is another list of ten items, if the NWO should be imposed click here for Ten Tips to Survive the Coming New World Order
Here is information on the possibility of Programmed killers by ????
Here is a site for Codexsinaiticus - An ancient copy of the Bible!
Search the University of North Texas The University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries has produced its own archive of CRS reports. It is even larger than the CDT collection, with which it naturally overlaps
CLICK HERE for immigration information from The Bureau of Immigration Appeals
Here is an opinion page that might surprise you! It's
This site for Progressive news Yes we do have an open mind!
Here is the search engine for:
Here is a database for Air Crash Data: Air Crash
Here is another alternate news source it's Alter News wire
Here is a PAC for pro-natrional Defense candidates it's National Defense PAC!
Here is the search Database for:
Special Forces Head Quarters Search Engine
Here is a massive site for Research on the Nation of Texas
And another site for The Republic of Texas
And here for Treaties re:The republic of texas
Click Here to research Crime from around the country
CLick here for NSA research at George Washington NSA research!
here is The Conservative Caucus
Here is a Global Security.ORG
For world wide news here is Geo Strategy Direct
This is a service to search for Moreover!!
Here is a new service It's News Making news
Another good organization is Phylis Schafly's Eagle forum The Eagle Forum
The Birch society battles Junk Science all the time, Here is the anti-Junk science web site!! The Anti-Junk Science site!!
Another JUNK SCIENCE IS Global warming here is The anti-Global warming site
Another anti-Junk Science site is Tech Central Station!
Another multi conspiracy expose site is.... PARASCOPE.COM
The Heritage foundation... Great heavy duty CONSERVATIVE REPORTS!
Want suggestions on on action? Then Heritage is for you
Another domain for the heritage foundation
help for conservative cndidates here!
Help fix Healthcare policy here
and here for Values voter summit
The Heritage Foundation's Plan to save Medicare
Visit Policy ideas for advancing liberty
Here is THe Heritage Foundation's shop
And here is The Heritage Foundation's Spanish Website
Here is Conservative Review news page
How about this site for Liberal "LOGIC???????"
Here is Star Parker's Website URBANCURE.ORG
News on Project for the new american century
And here for The Etherzone news service
Click here for the Internet's one stop shopping place for political commentary,
Information and analysis
Real Clear Politics
This site for The Universal Seduction
This site tries to make you feel guilty about owning a SUV it's "I don't care about the"
Click here for Back Lash
Click here for another news site It's real news 247
Click here for Canidian Conservative Information The Fraser Institute of Canada
Here is The The Christian Coalition
Here is Federal
And here is The Federal Observer Links page
And here is a new news service from GOOGLE.COM!
Here is another news site It's radio free
Here is Assignment editor
Here is Carol Valentine's Public
Here is Conspiracy Archive
Another news site for patriots American News Net
This site for a left wing view of things The Emporors' New Clothes Web site
Yet another world control theory The "POWER" behind the scenes???
Here is a site to preserve data before it Goes down the memory hole!!!
And here is another freedom of Information site It's Freedom
Exercise your rights at Flex Your Rights!!!
FIND out about the new left party at Left
Here is a new site for 9-11 conspiracy Pentagon hit
Here is a research site for Urban Operations
Here for Stray voltage on the farm
And click here for info on Roadblocks around the country
Click here for the rights of Motorists
Here for Military Report
Click here for Information on NATO STOPNATO.ORG.UK
For more NATO information Stop The NATO.ORG
Here is the Web site of a new patriotic news organization it's The American Media orginazation
The following three sites are endorsed by the American FreePress
Here is the AmericanFreePress Third Way
This site is for the Shumacher Society
Here is an experiment in Local Script
Closely related to Patriot conspiracy is Being prepared
Here is another Newspaper.... The OIL Patch news letter
Another patriot news source is DEJA NEWS!
Here is Chuck Harder's For the People organization
Here is an Awsome Site It's American"
Here is alan Keyes new venture its Renew America!!!
Here is Corporate Predators
Click Here for The CATO Institute
AND here is Social Security Org
Click here for The Cato Institute's Research Links
And here for The National Center for Policy Analysis
Click here for Americans for tax reform K Street(NW WASHINGTON, DC) Project
Click here for money sources of Activists cash
Here is the New Web site for American Conservative Union's New Website
here is The National Association of Scholars
And here is The Defense Forum
Click Here for Pacific
Conentration camps in the US by state index
Here is a site for information on how the Federal Reserve Makes you a slave
And here for Additional Slave info
Another road to slave dom is the Federal Land Grab check The American Land Rights association
Here is the site for US Prison Industries IT's
For underground bases Click here!
For other anomalous Stuff It's Anomalous unlimited
And here for someone's ideas of truth it's
Click here for America's response to the WTC Atrocity!
Here is a source of Emergency information it's!
Click Here to Educate Yourself about The Freedom of Knowledge , The power of Thought
Thos site to find out the Original Intent of our Founding fathers!
Click here for an organization fighting ilegal Immigration it's American Patrol by Glenn Spencer
Click here for American Patrol's Links page
We start with his main site INFOWARS.COM!
Alex Jones' Info Links
Here for Alex Jones' Government links
This site for the Bohemian Grove Conspiracy!
Here is a newspaper's reference on Bohemian Grove it's The Bohemian Grove Action Network
Here is one of Alex Jones' new page its The Jones Report watch out Drudge!
Another one is good stuff
Here is Alex Jones' Prison Planet
This site covers all disasters it's Extremely Low Frequency Research and Development
Volcanoes are watched here
Yet another volcano watch Site
To top off everything, here is The Mt. St. Helens Vocano Cam!
Here is Current volcanoes!!!
And here for Volcano World, Showing how our own Earth Pollutes!
Here is There's a excerpt on scalar weather engineering by Christi Verismo
And here Human Engineered EarthQuakes by Ray Bliger
Here is National Earthquake Information Service
Here for good site in California It's
Here is Matt Drudge's site World earthquake report
This part for Tsunami watch
Monitor Earthquakes in this section
The Washington University has a neat site Seismic Monitor
Let's start with the British Government watches World Wide Quake locator
This site supplies Earthquake information
another site for monitoring recent quakes
Art Bell has a site for earthquakes! Art Bell's Earthquake central
Here is a report on FEMA
Here go with FEMA Watching hurricanes
Commercial Hurricane watch The 1998 season watch
This page for the Young Americans For Freedom!
And here is the YAF's LINKS PAGE
And here for the Ronald Reagan Foundation
Here is The Reagan Ranch
Here are the Young American Broadcasters!!!
Here is an Allied organization It's Campus
A new student organization It's Young Americans for Liberty!
Stuff from their store.... Flyers, VIDEOS....
AND.... Shirts etc....
Information on the tips program
here is the official Government site For the Tips program
To report TIPS informats Report Tips informants
Here is the web site For the US Congress
Here is the site for Homeland Security
How about some mysticism??? THE DARPA EYE LOOKS AT YOU!!!
Here is an organization claiming to defend the Bill of rights(from the left side?)
The Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Help expose The Sanctuary city fraud!
Click here for nuclear transport routes
ANd here for potential Plumes from Transport accidents
Click here for Nuclear blast mapper
This one is to monitor fires around the world Nasa's fire atlas
Here we watch the on going crisis of India and Pakistan
Click here for American Patrol
Or here for American Border Patrol
Click here to find out what What the pro-immigrationists want to do!
Is McVeigh Dead? Click here
Click here for remeberance
Click here for Remeber 9-11. memorial day
Here is another site its The Human Underground
Here is a great site from the UK.... It's!!!!!
Click here for The Lawful path
Click here for Guerrilla News network
Here is the news source of Conspiracy News Link of conspiracy
Here is a news service out of Australia its Leviathan Weblogs
Here is another Independent News service
Reports on Unions from
FROM the US Chamber of Commerce it's Free! and the 20 million job challenge
Click here for United States Chamber of Commerce main site
Click here for Tax freedom101
Click here for some interesting information on the Income tax it's Inform America.COM
Here is another site with Information on the Income tax Give me liberty !
How about some facts about the electricity "CRISIS" in California?
Here is a site for an interesting economic proposal its The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
Do your bit to protest high gas prices Click here for Gasoline Price Protest
You can protest gas prices by clicking here The Bush Energy Plan
Click here for another source of American Energy Balanced for Coal
Click here for the latest from Technology
Read here about imaging
Through a wall imaging
Is this The source of chemtrails?????
Here is the web site for The Center for Democracy and Technology
A New conspiracy research WEB Site Hagman Investigative services
And here for Homeland Security US(North east Intelligence Network
Can you say Black Box Voting? "Plus, he's just not one of The Anointed.
Click here Patriots Assuring Clean Elections (PACE)
Are you tired of hearing about the problems? Are you ready to DO something about it? Get Onboard USS C.N.S.A. / C.C.R.G....Join US!
Click here for Let Freedom Ring
Here is a site to Quotes from our founders!!
A new Hard hitting patriotic video site!
Patritoic online training institute
It's the Sherman Institute!
You can keep track of our congress critters at!!!!
Source for Patritic Research it's Capitol!
Sources for patriotic news It's National Center news
Another source of patriotic news American Liberty Foundation
Here is another source of Patriotic information... Devvy Kidd !!!
Here is the source of Ric Carter's Skeptic News' webpage!
Impeach Clinton Now!!!! Impeach Clinton Org
Another impeach clinton site.... Shadow GOV The Christian Impeachment site
Here is Fletcher Prouty's book THE SECRET TEAM
To find out the qualifications of being a Democrat Click here You too can be a democrat if:
Cleick here to easily Contact Your Federal Members of COngress!
It’s my favorite time of year — back-to-school season! To help everyone get a jump-start on the new school year, I’m passing on a few resources that offer unique approaches to teaching core concepts to students of all ages.
25 Great Ideas for Teaching Current Events
The Educator’s Guide to Real Estate Lesson Plans
Veterinary Lesson Plans for K-12 Educators
The Educator's Guide to Applying Real-World Math: 15 Resources with Over 100 Lesson Plans
Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans — Special Needs Students
Unmasking Alcohol Manipulators: Critical Thinking Lesson Plans to Subvert Alcohol Advertisers
K-12 Music Education Lesson Plans
40 Shopping and Retail-Themed Lesson Plans for Educators
Here is Restoring America begins here!
here is Bill Bennet's new site America's Victory over terrorism!
Here is a great news portal for you its
Here is
Here is Michael Moore's Homepage
And here for global research it's Global Research Canada
lick here for the Cutting Edge Web site
Another site is Friends of Liberty
And the Values and Capitalism from the American Enterprise institute
Here is an independent thinker who thinks that it's Big Business who is behind our loss of freedoms
Here is another source of information Stew Webb!!
This section for LEARN Pages
Here is the main Learn Home Page
Here is a link page from LEARN's Link page
Here is Learn's Learns' Alternative News media Link page
Another alternative site is
And here for Point of view
Here is
Here is a private intellegence organization It's Strategic forcasts
Here is Free World Allaince
And here for Free Press International
And here is Give me
And here for Project USA
Here is Newt Gingirch's WEB site
Here is Global
Click here for Chemtrail central
Here is what you need to research Chem Trails: Aerosol Observing System (AOS)
Or here for Mystery Mag
Here we go recent "lone nut" events on the map here... The single line theory????
And here the two line theory???? Click here more events connected
Here is the USa's Debt Clock and more!
World Debt clock
we've launched a tool at which I think your users may find useful. It's an animated world debt clock, covering 40+ of the world's biggest economies (from the US to Australia). Unlike the debt clock you currently mention, it's fully responsive & works on the mobile handsets that 40-50% of your users are reading on in 2020! ;)
Want to design your own country? Then click here for Nations states
Want to bet on the future?
Then click her for!!!!
Here for Foreign Affairs
Rush Limbaugh's wife is starting a new magazine !!! Vent Magazine
J W Fish's site a precussor to the JBS' site For what's its worth!
Another magazine of conspiracy stuff Steamshovel Press
Another relatively Conservative publication out of Washington, DC Insight Magazine of Washington,D.C
Here is the Link to the U.S. Senate The United States Senate
Here is the link to the U.S. The United States House of Representatives
Tell your Congressional Representatives what you think! Via Charles Collins' Site Net line to Congress
Let's send Messages to our Governmental critters!
Here is a site for increasing your Reliogous beliefs it's Belief
Another fact checking site The Annenburg political fact checking web site
And here for Associated Television News!
Click here for Information from the tax foundation
A new site for patriots...... The Majority accoutability project Click here for a new The CREST Patriotic forum
Are you tired? click here for This person's rendition of why he is tired!!!!
Here is Crest's truth Online forum
News service from The Binary report
Here is the Justice Department's Defense of the Alleged "patriot act"
Click here for the conservative alternative to It's move america forward!
Click here to find out what What the pro-immigrationists want to do!
Since I don't know for sure where the Republican party fits,I'll give them their own little section The Republican Party
Visit: Sign the Petition...Mail It In and Stand By for Heavy Seas
Spread the news...visit and sign the Petition. You can add a few words telling Mel Gibson you support his First Amendment right to make this movie and distribute it.
Click here for inforamtion about Native American Leadership opinions
Here is a site on the 9-11 atrocities... Brian Salter's Questions
This site for Research on Terrorism it's ERRI Counter terrorism Archive
Here for the latest In Missile defense Air Borne Laser Defense
From the Defense department It's Defend
Click here for Digital Globe Pictures of the world
Here is a news site for US Defense It's
And here for Information on the Knights Templar
Click here for info on Global Circle net
Information on Surf control tools
Yet another source of info on a clinton Scandal Johnny Chung!
Yet another Clinton Scandal is The Clinton Body Count Page
Here is yet another CLINTON BODY COUNT PAGE
And yet another Clinton Body count listin page
A similar list for George W Bush is: The Bk2k list
Here is the first Impeachment Site! Impeachment Central
Click here for Judicial Watch Blog!
Here is another site that might help with Impeachment
Judicial Watch
Recently Art Bell had a show on Low Frequency Sonar research
Art bell is also interested in Mystery Contrails
Another place to research contrails Contrail connection
Closely related is the goings on in Alaska with the Mysterious HAARP PROJECT
Kurt Saxon's Home page here you go survivors! The survivorist's home page
A site you need to be alert for earthquakes!!!!! The Sesmic Observatory
This site will help you go on strike for Liberty! American Policy Org.
The following site links to NSA were the VENONA Cables are located. These cables show some of the "official history" is wrong when refering to the McCarthy era
The National Security Agency release of the Venona Cables The Venona cables
Here is a site on the Twa 800 crash it's
This site for a possible second Oaklahoma city bomb truck
For a look at religious fundamentalist... Texe Marrs....
Here is texe marrs article on How the Government uses 501 c(3) regulations to control Religion
Click here for the Electonic Waco Museum"> Propaganda MAtrix
This section is for books
Another important Document is the Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto
The report from Iron Mountain is another proof of conspiracy The Report From Iron Mountain
The Book, The Creature From Jekyll Island, another proof of conspiracy The Creature From Jekyll Island
Talk about mind control!!!!! Cathy O'Brien's Story of Trance Formation
And the possibly THE Source of Mind Control? The Tavistock Institute
Important UFO Document!!!!! The MJ12 Document
Related to books is journalism and here is sean Castell's UFO Journalism page
Here is The ultimate secret
Another take on the MJ-12 Controversey is Bill Cooper's Majesty 12 document
CLick here for the Conspiracy Channel
Click here for another politically incorrect site it's Freedom
Here for It's Conspiracy Planet
And another conspiracy web site: It's conspiracy
Click here for another look at USS Liberty
Here is A populist Review
Here is a British site with some good links it's The Realm!
This is the main page for MIT's Media Lab
This is for Citizen Governemnt Information Awareness
And here for Open the
And here for Government Citizen Information Awareness
How about the FBI??? It's FBI coverup
To follow global changes Go to Global
And for our Canadian Friends it's
Do you think your being followed by the FBI? Then see The Counter spy site!!!
This site is closely associated with the counter spy site The Vigo Examiner
Click here for AirIQ GPS tracking systems AIRIG GPS TRACKING SYSTEMS
Click here for nci wpu maps
This is a chart of Media Ownership
Here Is site exposing CBS' bias its Rather
Here is a similar organization in Pennsylvania It's Pennsylvania
here Is David Horowitz's home page It's Front Page Magazine
Here is David Horowitz's sister page It's Slap
Click here for American
AND HERE FOR DENNY RADIO Rush Limbaugh from Minnesota!
Here is The Rush Limbaugh Show
Here is an ad the RUPUBLICANS MUST RUN:
Celebrate the fourth of July here Design your own fireworks here
In response to all the recent E-Mails .....Please be advised, I am sick and tired of
answering questions about my dog.Yes, he mauled six people wearing Obama T-shirts, four wearing Pelosi T-shirts, Two
democrats, nine teenagers with pants hanging past their cracks, three flag burners and a
Pakistani taxi driver.FOR THE LAST TIME... THE DOG IS NOT FOR SALE !!
No, I do not approve of his smoking, but he says it gets the bad taste out of his mouth.
The site for the Kormofist E-ZINE
Here is the patriotic site for Israel The Israeli Defense Forces
This site is needed by every patriot for law helps Freedom Law Center for Patriots
another site for law for patriots is
Freedom needs free communications and guess what? The Microbroadcasters freedom site!
The Buy America foundation is here in Montgomery County (PA) The Buy america Web Page
Here is the United States Constitution!!!! United States Constitution
This is something the Patriots ought to watch Chris Temple's Corporate Watch Org
Believe it or not, This friend of the earth site has some good stuff Friends of the Earth
This site monitors Biological Outbreaks!!!
This site provides analysis of the Constitution! The Constitution on the web!
The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of independence
Another defend the declaration site... The declaration Foundation
The Citizens Against the New World Order THE EAGLE NET
Here is a WEB Site for Patriots........ Patriot WEB SITE
Conspiracy nation news letter has a web site for it"s source of information you don't get from the mainstream controlled media
Another newsletter worth looking at is the American Freedom Movement News letter;
American Freedom Movement The American Freedom Movement Newsletter
The American Freedom movement's magazine page: Norm Resnick's organization
Here is Pat Shannahan's Web page
Here is information Local Soveregnity
Click here for Vehicle track technologies via GPS
Click here for Active denial Technology
Click here for the latest Sign code conspiracy!!!!
Click here for Corporate watch useful for patriots
And here for the links page of
Click here to return to top of Page
Here is a web site devoted to news on the New World Order from Canada
Info Ramp on the New World Order NEW WORLD ORDER INFORAMP
The following two web sites are points of take off of research into some of the foggy areas of New World Order Research
The Decentralized CIA Research Page:
De-Centralized Intellegence Agency
Here is the site for the shadow government of the World! The Bilderberg group
Here is another board of director diagram it's The Rothschilds
Click here for How the world is organized!
And here is A public BILDERBERG WEB SITE?
And here the complementary One World Org
A new site for New Group of World Servers
Click here for the HAARP web CAM
And here for About the Haarp Web Cam
For the unoficial history of Haarp Click Here
This is the Official Haarp Site The Official HAARP site
Here is Nick begich's Haarp site Earth Pulse
another Haarp site and connections to alternative sources of informtion HAARP NET
Here is another Haarp site Alaska Haarp Main Page
Here is specific Haarp info Haarp Spectral Frequencies
Commentary on Eastland's patents
HAARP appears to have been very busy lately:
Here is The University of Alaska's HAARP MAIN PAGE
Click here for University of Alaska's wf page
Here is (see spectrum monitor, waterfal= l charts)
Click here for HAARP Animation!
To lead off it is DATA.GOV
Here for Digital
Here is a site that helps to Fight Malaria
Click here for The Federalist
Looking for Ronald Regan??? It's Reagan 2000
Here is a private intel agency it's strategic forcasting!!!!!
For information on Government space photography capabiliites It's
Another one is It's the National Recon. office
This site for US Department of Energy Environmental Mgt.
US DEPARTMENT of Energy Energy efficiency office
here is a Nuclear site: Hanford WASH
And here for the No-profit Brookings Institute
This site for another radio talk show Info Wars!!!!
The freespeech research center: The Freespeech Research Center
Click here for the patriot's Legal Center it's Mark Levine's LandMark!
And Mark's Radio show
Here is a new show.... It's the Glenn Beck Show
And here is: Liberty Works Radio
Here is another radio site it's Truth Radio
Here is another is Sound
Here is A philadelphia area radio it's, Patriotic radio in the Philadelphia area
And here is Dom talk links
Here is Dennis Prager's site
Here is American Patriot Friends Network
Here is internet radio its Info Radio Net
Here is the best it's WWCR SHORTWAVE
Another Short wave station is It's the Gensis Communication
here is a new one its Patriot Broadcasting!!!
This section for Sites for radio shows!
Here is the web site for the Stan Solomon Show!
Rush Limbaugh has a research site it's Rush Limbaugh's show online!
Sign a get well card for Rush Limbaugh at Millions Of
Finally, Rush limbaugh has Rush Limbaugh online
Here is the warroom, set up by a talk show host in Pittsburgh, PA THE WARROOM
Here for The Hannity show
Here is Liberty Radio
Check out this site for Patriotic radio news on the New World order
Another radio site Republic Broadcasting
Here is the Poster for the second amendment people! Celebrate the 4th of July!
Yet another poster I want you to buy a gun!
Here is a site that describes The United Nations' Gun Grab
Here is a site to boycott Sara Lee by Women against gun control Boycott SARA LEE
This site is for the most effective Lobbying organazation to preserve the second amendment Gun owner's of America
Here is an interesting Site for the individual Floating Cities!
Doard of directors of the world? THE WORLD FORUM WEB SITE
How about A Map of the New World Order????
Here is a web site for the infamous club of Rome THE CLUB OF ROME
Here is a link to the Aspen Institute The new age aspen institute
This site for Future Media research at MIT!
Here is a link for some comedy relief William Bacon's humor page
Here is a link to The United Nations! The United Nations Development Program
Here for the United Nations
For those of you who still don't believe the New World Order is coming down us via the UN, visit this site! The World Federalist Web Site
The Mother of all World goverance sites The United Nations
Related to the new world order is how the Federal Government reels staqte and local governments with our tax money, This site shows what's available! The FED's index to "AID" programs
Click here for information on what's in store for us in the New World ORDER! The Foundation project
And How the communists will get us there it's Communist rules of Revolution!
Rules on Finding Disinformation!
Here is the primary objective of the New World Orrder it's The Omega project
This site proposes the The Mind control propaganda theory
Here is The FAS' Intelligence Web Resource Portal
here is another conspiracy website it's Conspiracy Planet
Here is the web site for Free Republic.COM
And the companion Free Republic.Net
Here is a diary from Free it's Alamo
Here is the WEB site for another conservative talk show host Phil
Here is a site for Pro Business development
Here is the Global Research Bank
Other Research sites...... Security Focus!!
Here is another new site for patriots it's Friends of Liberty
Aother site in Phila it's The Liberty museum
The echelon system is under observation ACLU'S Echelon Watch
And here is the Conservative news service!
Another News service is American Freedom News
Here for Teesdale News service
A site for mid east news is Media Monitor Net
believe it or not here is the Conservative Claremont institution! And the conservative American Policy Institute!
This site is a spin off of the American Poilicy Institute Missile threat!!
Here for the Massive Conspiracy
This site to track elected officials when it comes to economic growth The club for growth!!
From this site you can research the latest environmental evil it's Di-hydrate Mono oxide!!!
Here is a Site for Lyndon laRouche La Rouche in 2004
This site for The American Partisan
This site for a large website jump off point Above top secret
Yet another conservative site it's Conservative Headquarters!
And here for The Public!
Here is a new patriot news source Bill Brumbaugh's Proactive
click here for Student News! Conservative headline news for students!
And here for Reasons against the theory of evolution!
Here is a great Ronald F.Garon's Anti-NWO website
This site for The Music for Patriots!
Click here for Canadian Intell Links
Here is the link to The United States Supreme Court
Click here for The United States Supreme Court Links page
This site has a good selection of Monarchy Links!!
Click here for Register ".usa" domains!
Or here for For .us domains
Here is a place to get wealthy It's wealth Study
And another site Private Profits
here is a site for voting problems Vote scam