Happy birthday, America! Celebrate your freedom, give thanks for your liberty,
and guard both against any who would take them away.
Image of NGC 4258 (M106), a spiral galaxy in the Milky Way. This is a composite image made up of
X-rays from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue),
radio data from the National Science Foundation’s Karl Jansky Very Large Array (purple),
optical data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (yellow)
and infrared data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope (red).
Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Caltech/P.Ogle et al;
Optical: NASA/STScI;
NGC 3576 // Statue of Liberty Nebula
The Red White And Blue Nebula!!!
The US Chamber of commerece's Free Enterprise.com
AND................. The US Chamber of Commerce
Click here for
Celebrate Capitalism Day
Click Here to follow The National Debt, Updated daily!
World Debt clock
we've launched a tool at Commodity.com which I think your users may find useful. It's an animated world debt clock, covering 40+ of the world's biggest economies (from the US to Australia). Unlike the debt clock you currently mention, it's fully responsive & works on the mobile handsets that 40-50% of your users are reading on in 2020! ;)
Click here for the official Public Debt web page
Click Here for The National Debt Chart!!
THIS Site for USA Spending.gov
AND............ FED Spending.org
Kris Anne Hall's Website
KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor, fired after teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups
– she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army,
a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches
the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. She is a dynamic speaker
and she will share tremendous information and historical facts every American should know.
Published on Jun 25, 2015 Jbs chapter website for Chapter QVMF State Sovereignty: The Roles of the States and Federal Government KrisAnne Hall delivers a constitutional lesson on Sovereignty. She defines the origins of State Sovereignty
Related website is the Tenth amendment Center
The great Samuel Blumenfeld has died here is a summary of his work
The John Birch Society Sound cloud interview on the dangers of a Constitutional Convention
The John Birch Society, THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY
THE John Birch Society's Shop JBS.org
Here is the JBS' American Opinion Foundation
The Society's JBS press feed
THE Society's Meet up alliance
THE Society's MySpace Site
The Society's FACE BOOK SITE
HERE IS THE Society Liberty network tv page
Here is a similar page from Australia Brookes News From Australia
Click here for don't fall for these un dialectics
Click hers for why I Joined the John Birch Society By Barbara Hartwell
Closely allied is The North American Super Corridor(NASCO)
Is this in our Future????
Click here for USA WAKE UP!
As Americans reflect on everything that has happened during this COVID era, is this pandemic the straw that breaks the back of the Republic of our Constitutional values? Or is this the moment that reminds us that we live in a Constitutional Republic and we need to pay more attention? Find out what Thomas Massie has to say about the many regulations and orders that all American have been witnessing. Take Action: 1. Understand the Constitution: 2.. Understand the Bill of Rights: ▶️ More Related Videos - A Socialist Bailout and Digital Dollar: - The True Costs of the Wuhan Coronavirus: - Governing Constitutionally During a Crisis: LIKE THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY AND WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 🇺🇸 Become a Member 📧 Free E-Newsletter 💰 Donate to Help Keep our Videos Free 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 📲 Let's Connect! - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram 📺 The New American YouTube
In this episode of Straight Talk, Christian Gomez examines how the United Nations is specifically exploiting the 2019 pandemic to promote one-world government and the need to get out. Find out what’s in the latest UN report entitled: “A UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19.” Take Action: . Visit the Get U.S. Out Action Project: 3. Understand the Constitution: ▶️ More Related Videos - Wisconsin Court Revokes Unconstitutional Stay-at-Home Order - The New Normal: Tracking Americans via “Contact Tracing” - Deep State's Fake Science LIKE THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY AND WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 🇺🇸 Become a Member 📧 Free E-Newsletter 💰 Donate to Help Keep our Videos Free 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 📲 Let's Connect! - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram 📺 The New American YouTube #GetUSOutofUN #ClimateChange #GetUSOut
Today many are realizing they can't believe everything they hear. Art Thompson discusses the many falsehoods that exist in the major media and what you can do about it. Take Action: 1: . Watch Staged News Example 2. Subscribe to The New American: 3. Sign Up for Top Daily Headlines: ▶️ More Related Videos - Pushing Fake News Agenda: - know False Flags Lead to Fake News: - How the Government Conditions You: LIKE THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY AND WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! LIKE THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY AND WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 🇺🇸 Become a Member 📧 Free E-Newsletter 💰 Donate to Help Keep our Videos Free 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 📲 Let's Connect! - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram 📺 The New American YouTube #StopFakeNews #BeAware #ActivateAmerica
Last week we gave you an up close and personal example of how some are battling and winning the COVID-19 lockdown. This week, we want to go through how you can put this into action in this episode of Activate America, patriotically staying active during COVID-19 lockdown. Action Items: 1. Contact your local Coordinator: 2. Read and share “The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government: Article VI” (PDF) https://www.jbs.org/store/shopjbs/the-founders-brilliant-solution-to-big-government-article-vi-booklet">3. Distribute physical copies by purchasing them here: 4. Visit our COVID-19 Action Page for the latest legislative alerts, articles, and videos: 5. Download and share the Freedom is the Cure issue of our news magazine:(PDF) ▶️ More Related Videos - How You Can Lift Lockdowns - Destruction of the Middle Class - Forced Vaccines & Digital ID’s LIKE THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY AND WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 🇺🇸 Become a Member 📧 Free E-Newsletter 💰 Donate to Help Keep our Videos Free 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 📲 Let's Connect! - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram 📺 The New American YouTube
RealClearPolitics.com published a great article last week titled “How Fear, Groupthink Drove Unnecessary Global Lockdowns.” Groupthink was prevalent last week with a video posted on Twitter of a woman who was harassed by a mob of shoppers at a local grocery store on Staten Island, New York. Her crime? She wasn’t wearing a mask. We’ll look at groupthink and demonstrate how social media giants are helping to preserve this way of thinking in this episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective that you can use to restore American liberty and independence. Action Items: 1.Discover The New American: essential news for freedom-loving Americans: 2. Visit our Countering COVID-19 action project page: 3. Help to protect and restore American liberty and independence by joining The John Birch Society: ▶️ More Related Videos - The Power to Plunge a Needle Into Your Arm: - H.R. 6666 to Track You! - It's Time America Decouples from the China Train
LIKE THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY AND WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 🇺🇸 Become a Member 📧 Free E-Newsletter 💰 Donate to Help Keep our Videos Free 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 📲 Let's Connect! - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram 📺 The New American YouTube
Since Al Gore will not debate.....
Let's demand debate from AL "Global Warming" Gore
Click here for.. for the latest debate news
A web site in defense of the United States Constitution
Chapter qvmf's chapter website
This is a Republic, not a Democracy. Let's keep it that way!
Let’s Restore The Electoral College; Not Abolish It.
THE JBS has a campaign on Immigration, check this speech on a frightening anaylsis!
Our Campiagn to stop the Central American Free Trade agreement
Here is our campaign to Stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas
ANOTHER CAMPAIGN Stop the North American Union
Click here sign Stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas Petition
Follow this link to find out 12 Reasons to get out of the United Nations
Click here for the JBS' Get us out of the United Nations Home page
Please sign this petition to To get us out of the united nations
follow this link to Earth Charter Information
Or you can follow this link to Homeland Security alerts
The Liberty Amendment is a multi-faceted approach to rolling back Federal intrusion to its Constitutionally-defined limits, allocating responsibility to lower levels of government, and removing insidious tax burdens. Text of the proposed Liberty Amendment is below: Section 1. The Government of the United States shall not engage in any business, professional, commercial, financial or industrial enterprise except as specified in the Constitution. Section 2. The constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of the United States shall not be subject to the terms of any foreign or domestic agreement which would abrogate this amendment. Section 3. The activities of the United States Government which violate the intent and purpose of this amendment shall, within a period of three years from the date of the ratification of this amendment, be liquidated and the properties and facilities affected shall be sold. Section 4. Three years after the ratification of this amendment the sixteenth article of amendments to the Constitution of the United States shall stand repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy taxes on personal incomes, estates, and/or gifts. For more information . Yours, Douglas == Douglas Strother Past Master 2004 A.D. Redondo Lodge #328 F.&A.M. 2 B 1 ASK 1 Central Committee Member 2004-2005 American Independent Party
Here is one idea to get some traction underneath The Liberty Amendment. Rep. Ron Paul is a sponsor of the Liberty Amendment as House Joint Resolution 15. He is also the chairman of the Liberty Committee
Let us encourage other members of the Liberty Committee to sponsor it as well. Our State representatives need to be brought on board as well. The return of State soverignity should be a selling point for them.
Jack Mcmanus His own online blog!
This JBS page has on line audio The Review of the News online!!!
Here is another affilite it's The Robert Welch University!
Ckick here for JBS Books online
Click here for New Stuff from the AOBS!
The Society has a new New American Book Store!
Click here for The New American Magazine
Headline news from the New american Mgazine:
The New American Front Page |
Here is the John Birch Society's new Information portal
Here is the New American's Focus Page -- current issues in focus
CLick here for a source of InfoQuest*
MY chapter's next presentation
Here is the webpage of my Chapter's Computer guru!
Click here for Federal Expression's Twitter account!
And this is Federal Expression's Pennsylvania Pending Legislation's alert page
Something new Federal Expression Quick LInks!
Here is Federal Expression's You Tube channel
Another you tube Federal expression Link
Anothe page is Defend it the us constitution!!
Our Blog on the Internet! Chapter qvmf's blog!
Here is the link to The USA's Army's
1928 Training Manual
The significance is that in 1928 the US Government accurately describes the USA as a Republic
Subsequent issues describe the USA a Democracy the worst possible form of Government
First the main site: Bilderberg.org
Here is A filmed interview on the Bilderbergers
And here is The 2002 meeting participant list
The Bilderberg Group
Is 120-140 powerful people who meet each year to discuss policy. The meetings are closed to the public. This graph we found on Facebook shows the members' connections to a ton of corporations, charities, policy groups and media. Everyone from Eric Schmidt to George Soros is a member. There are tons of conspiracy theories about the group, including that they control the world economy. We took the findings with a grain of salt--after all, it's easy to trace an individual to a corporation and the graph doesn't specify what influence the member wielded. But perhaps it's a compelling argument for why the meetings should be public.
Here is Reality Zone's LINKS
Here is the web site of Yorktown University
Here is one of a very few Conservative Colleges It's Hillsdale College!
This link brings you to a source of Conservative information IT' the Town Hall online!
Here is another accuracy organization It's academia.org
The John Birch Society's Report on the Plan to Merge the three North American countries Via Trade agreements
David Hprowitz's Conservative review report on your legislator!
Here is a report on Sustainable development unsustainable freedom
Click here for a report on Agenda 21
Click here for information on "FAIR TRADE"
Here is the web site for The youth site of Robert Welch University
Here is a web site for The New Orleans area John Birch Society
Click here for Internet/online guide to birching
Click here for JBS Humor
Here are Communist goals
Here is a report on Information on the New World Order
AND HERE is The threat from the United Nations
Here is how the left uses language: as distraction
Here is a good article on the much abused connerce clause
This page for Three Good Reasons To Join The John Birch Society
Click here to find out the influnce of Tax Free Foundations have!
Click here More on the Commission on Global Government
For Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress, Senate, Governors & State Legislators
Click here for American Econimic Alerts!!!!
A report on the "Progressive" Global Forum
The Law Enforement Charitable Foundation Intelligence Brief Volume 2 (Spring 2018)
Click her for It's Marxist.org!
Here is Gorbachev's new direction: The "environmental" movement - new home for communism
Here is a report on The Red Symphony conspiracy"
Click here for the Ten Planks of Marxisim
here is a neat document, Click here for The time line for the New World order constitution
Here is Yale University Center for the study of Globalism
What is ESG? Environmental, social, and governance policies are the Left’s latest political tool to use businesses and financial institutions to advance progressive ideology in American society.
Here is a site for the environmentalists Support Green web hosting
And here for their Climate ark.org
And here for Papua New Guinea Rainforest conservation Portal
And look here for Environmental Sustainability portal
Here is the site for Rules for Revolution
Here is the web site for the next push FTAA It's Council of the Americas
Here is a site for the most left wing biased "News" Broadcater It's Rather Biased.com!
Here is a site for the second amendment It's Keep and Bear Arms.com
This site for a news feed It's Leviathan Weblogs
Here is a neat site How to buy american
Click here for the Library of Congress The Library of Congress
And Here for The Library of Congress' Legislative research Page
Here is another neat site it's Freedom Domain
Here is news from Azaltan! It's Azaltan.net
This section on the Historical Location where the Constitution,Declaration of independence were writen
Click here for our founding documents Research Resource
Search the US Constitution Here at Emory University
Here is another source of Information: It's the paperless archives
This is the web site for the New Philadelphia Pennsylvania Based National Constitution Center
Across Market Street The Declaration of Independence was written at Independence Hall and Historic Philadelphia Pennsylvania Area!
Here is the Text of The Declaration of Independence
You can click here for The current public debt amount
An you can click here for "A Social Contract"
Sites featuring materials focusing on U.S. foreign policy, international trade, and a variety of issues and topics of interest worldwide
Here is oliver North's Freedom Alliance.org
Another opinion similar to the JBS USA Survival
Here is USA survival's report on Global Taxes and organizations
Here is Global Policy.org
Another step in world government is The World Bank
here we go for the upcoming Earth Charter.org
Here is the companion Earth charter summints
AND Earth charter summint city schedule
This page for Forty five points of communism
Here is the main site for The United Nations
Fittingly, here is an anti an anti International organization site!
Thi site from Jeff rense The UN according to Jeff
This site shows that there are other people in the World besides the John Birch Society who believes in the New World Order Global Goverance info site
Here is Reality Zone's LINKS
Here is the web site of Yorktown University
Here is one of a very few Conservative Colleges It's Hillsdale College!
This link brings you to a source of Conservative information IT' the Town Hall online!
Here is another accuracy organization It's academia.org
New Site up and need for ACTIVE Constitutional Scholars
and Contributors.As previously posted, the new Awaken America site is up at:
On the site, you will see that I've renewed the Scholars section and
effort which will provide professional reviews of Congressional
legislation PRIOR to the voting.
Therefore, I'm looking for Constitutional Scholars who are willing
to review upcoming legislation for its constitutionality which will
then distributed to all members of the House and Senate (we could
possibly even go to the State level with enough help).
Here is a source site for Patriot information, freedom.org
Click here for What Really Happened!
Cick here for United Nations' treaty database
This page to answer the Question: ARE YOU A SLAVE?
The Birch Society has its own magazine The New American Magazine
Here is the JBS' top priority The JBS' TRIM program
To complement The JBS' Trim program is Vote Smart.com!!!
Another complimentary site is Open Secrets.org
Here is a site to Read the bill!!!!
Here is the Library of Congress' site to track bills It's Thomas.loc.gov
And here to Tracks members of congress
The JBS has its own book store American opinion online
This is a new sub site, The Society's View on The Vietnam conflict!
This subpage enumerates the Powers Of the three Branches of OUR FEDERAL REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT
Here is a site for anti war information It's antiwar.com
Here is a Canadian effort similar to the JBS Tetradedron org of Canada
And affliated is Citizens voice of canada
And For the USA It's Citizens Lobby.com
This section for search requests
Concerned about Energy? Click here for Balanced Energy, Coal in your future
How about Traditional values? Click here for Traditional Values.org
here is a private database Digital National Search online
This site for CIA FOIA requests
And here for FBI FOIA requests
This site highlights the Unconstitutional Executive orders!
Here is the oficial database for Unconstitutional Executive orders!
This site for more Global Goverance/Democracy Movement Charter99!!
Here is a patriotic news source The Sierra Times
This site for Global update.org
Here is a new information site it's News Making news.com
This site shows one small part of the plan to Deliberate dumbing down of the people
Here is a website to inform you That there no free lunch
Here is the web site of the enemy The Council on Foreign Relations
Another enemy is The world economic forum at Davos
This subpage gives contact capabilites local Souteatern/Central Bucks County Politicans Contact!!!!
My subpage gives samples of what the world would look like if the NWO wins: Dystopia
As an example of a diversionary against the John Birch Society ploy is The Welch Foundation
Here is one of the predessor documents it's The Magna Carter
Here is a link to Link to The United States Constitution
Another group trying to protect our Constitution is this one: The Constitution Organization
Here is an organization focusinng on the first ten amendments or The Bill of Rights Institute
This group is campaigning the conservative message on College Campuses!!!! The Young America's Foundation!!!
Another conservative campaign is Pat Buchannan for President
This site for the Presidential Debate Debate 2000
Another long term organization is The Council of Conservative Citizens
The John Birch Society points out all the time the influence of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and the Tri-lateral Commision; here is a web site with the mebership list: THE Membership list
Here is the membership list of the recent April 2002 meeting of the trilateral Commission
Another good organization is Phylis Schafly's Eagle forum The Eagle Forum
Here is the Wilding map of the USA the radical Left wing environmentalists want the re-wilding of the United States!!!
Another multi conspiracy expose site is.... PARASCOPE.COM
This organization does a good job exposing the Media's Left Wing Bias...... Media Research Organization
Talk about Conspiracy! The federation of American Scientists follow the intellegence agencies with open source material The American Federation Of scientists
Bill Cooper battles the new world order also Bill Cooper's unique view on things
Here is another independent organization
Here is a report the global warming hoax
Here is a site that battles The Friends of the Earth it's Fiends of the Earth
Here is fiends of the Earth commnetary on the Global Warming hoax Global Warming
Here is an article on Global warming outling the political motivation behind "Global Warming" The Hidden agenda behind "Global Warming'
The Birch society battles Junk Science all the time, Here is the anti-Junk science web site!! The Anti-Junk Science site!!
Here is Scare mongering
Another JUNK SCIENCE IS Global warming here is The anti-Global warming site Petition
Here is the site for Web site for the Eco freaks "Earth day "
Here is sitewave News Site
Here is another Expose of the globalwarming fraud John Daly Of Australia!!!
Here is another great anti-Global Warming site it's The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
This document (State Department Document 7277) Is the basis of
the theory of convergence with the United Nations!!!!
State department
Document 7277
Here is State Dept Document 7277 codified!
Speaking of the United Nations, I found the United Nations Charter on-line! The United Nations Charter
Here is a Great site on the us Constitution
THE WONDERFUL United States Constitution
The Also Wonderful United States Declaration of Independence
Speaking of important Documents Here is one that was in the news recently The unabomber's manefesto
For a database of Nuclear tests..... The Austrailian Nuclear explosion database
This one is to monitor fires around the world Nasa's fire atlas
Here we watch the on going crisis of India and Pakistan
Since the establishment uses natrual Disasters to advance its plan, This section watches Natural Disasters
Volcanoes are watched hereYet another volcano watch Site
To top off everything, here is
The Mt. St. Helens Vocano Cam!>
This part for earthquakes
World earthquake report
This part for
Tsunami watch