Who is behind the recent run up in oil prices?
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THE ENERGY NON CRISIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to the enivironmentalist lobby and its influence on Democratic legislators in Congress, the U.S. has, for decades, been prohibited from drilling for oil in places that we know contain billions of barrels of proven reserves. Check out this map:
All of the NO zones are in places where the U.S. (thanks to the Democratic Party)
is prohibited from drilling for oil.
Self Explanatory
But wait, it gets better. *** China , Cuba , Canada and others continue to drill off our shores where US companies are not allowed to drill because of Democratic policies!
Yes, that's right , China and Cuba are actively exploring oil fields 50 miles from Key West, Florida while U.S. companies are barred from working in this area because of U.S. policy . So, instead of allowing the most environmentally responsible companies to operate there and increase our domestic supply, China , who has a dismal environmental record, is preparing to suck our close, lucrative oil reserves dry. Unbelievable. Investor's Business Daily recently explained how irresponsible the Democrats have been on the energy crisis. They lay into what they consider to be the worst Congress ever for ~ Failing to allow drilling in ANWR. We have, as President Bush noted, estimated capacity of a million barrels of oil a day from this source alone -- enough for 27 million gallons of gas and diesel. But Congress won't touch it, fearful of the clout of the environmental lobby. As a result, you pay through the nose at the pump so your representative can raise campaign cash. ~ Refusing to build new refineries. The U.S. hasn't built one since 1976, yet the EPA requires at least 15 unique 'boutique' fuel blends that can be sold in different areas around the nation. This means that U.S. refinery capacity is stretched so tight that even the slightest problem at a refinery causes enormous supply problems and price spikes. Congress has done nothing about this. ~Turning its back on nuclear power. It's safe and, with advances in nuclear reprocessing technology, waste problems have been minimized. Still, we have just 104 nuclear plants -- the same as a decade ago -- producing just 19% of our total energy. (Many European nations produce 40% or more of their power with nuclear.) Granted, nuclear power plants are expensive -- about $3 billion each. But they produce energy at $1.72/kilowatt-hour vs. $2.37 for coal and $6.35 for natural gas. ~ Raising taxes on energy producers. This is where a basic understanding of economics would help: Higher taxes and needless regulation lead to less production of a commodity. So by proposing 'windfall' and other taxes on energy companies plus tough new rules, Congress only makes our energy situation worse. These are just a few of Congress' sins of omission -- all while India , China , Eastern Europe and the Middle East are adding more than a million barrels of new demand each and every year. New Energy Department forecasts see world oil demand growing 40% by 2030, including a 28% increase in the U.S. " " Americans who are worried about the direction of their country, including runaway energy and food prices, should keep in mind the upcoming election isn't just about choosing a new president. We'll also pick a new Congress.
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If you agree with the need to let the American people know who's REALLY responsible for the sky-high gasoline prices we're seeing today, please forward this e-mail to everyone you know. If we elect a liberal Democrat as president in the Fall and keep the same Democrat-controlled Congress, nothing will change. except gasoline prices, which will keep going up. contact the Democrat national committee and register your concerns at:
The so called "Democratic" National Committee
The Democrat National Committee
See the following message for the primary source: If you want to complain about the outrageous cost of gasoline; then here are the websites of radical environmental groups who have been conducting a scorched earth policy of locking up resources using the pretext of "saving the Environment" The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy The National Resource Defense Council The Sierra Club All of these site have contact pages to make it easy fire off complaints. And let's not forget Unconstitutional governmental agencies! No where in the United States Constitution does it authorize the Federal Government authority to do anything about the environment!(in fact it has been estimated that at least 85% of what we allow the Federal Government do is Unconstitutional). Here are some websites; The United states constitution But first let me quote article 1 section 1 of the United states CONSTITUTION: "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in A Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and A House of Representatives." Websites of Government Agencies who are partially responsible for the high price of OiL and other resources:
The Environmental Protection Agency
The Fish and wildlife "Service"
Check out this site: Oil price net
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A brief report Obama's Marxist Energy Policy
Click here for Democrat Voting record on the President's energy policy
The Thirteenth amendment to the United States Constitution
And it goes without saying that "Envirmonmentalists" routinely violate people's fith amendments protection of private propery
amendment five to the United States Constitution
Call Your Federal Representative at 202-224-3121(ask for your Federal Representative) to complain about how the Federal Government is causing high gasoline prices through the noted Unconstitutional activity noted above and the same phone number to ask for your Federal Senator.
Bp's gusher cam from the Gulf of Mexico
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Click here for: Free energy news.com
Here is Energy Shortage Blogspot.com"
Click here for
Newt Gingrich's American Solutions Website!!!!
Petition delivered to Congress
Here is British report on British documentary on the efforts to squelch evidence against global warming
Here is AL "Global Warming" Gore's "Solution"
Click here for a report on the OPEC "Environmental Movement" Conspiracy
Here is a report on THE EARTH ALSO POLLUTES
Here is a source of more objective information on the alleged "Criis of "Global Warming" It's ICEcap.us......
John Strossel
Can you save Al Gore?
Since Al Gore will not debate.....
Let's demand debate from AL "Global Warming" Gore
Click here for.. for the latest debate news
And here for Global Warming.org
AND here for Friends of science.org " "
And another site friendly to Junk science.com CO2Science.org " "
AND last but not least Science and Policy.org
Here is a rebuttal to Al Gore's propaganda film
Another rebuttal To Al "Gloabl Warming" Gore
And another rebuttal Eleven (only??) errors
A rebuttal From the Oregon institute of Science And Medicine
A site for Auditing the climate
Click here for Commentary on Stephen Schneider Greehouse gas Super salesperson
Here is an organization opposing Global Warming scaremongering Global Climate.org
Check out this Antidote for "Global warming scaremongering"
What is it Global Cooling? Global Warming? check out this 1975 Newsweek article on GLOBAL COOLING
Click here for
Junkscience.com another website for common sense
" "
" "
Click here for another website for common sense Energy tomorrow.org
" " " "
Click Here for The latest Market value for Energy
" "
Click on this link for a report on the world wide fuel situation
Click here for The Peak oil news site
Click here for the 1995 assesment of United States Oil resources
Here for a "fossil" fuels 101 tutorial
Here is a company to help you find oil its Digital Petro data
The 2008 US Geological Survey
Slideshow on the bakken oil field
" "-
Click here for the 1987 report on ANWR oil reserves " "
Click Here for Proven Oil reserves at the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve(ANWR) ANWR Oil RESERVES Greater than any state
Here is the official
Alaska web site supporting drilling in ANWR
And here for
Here is a map of Oil reserves in Northern Alaska:
Map of northern Alaska and nearby parts of Canada showing locations of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), the 1002 area, and the National Petroleum Reserve—Alaska (NPRA). Locations of known petroleum accumulations and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) are shown, as well as summaries of known petroleum volumes in northern Alaska and the Mackenzie River delta of Canada. BBO, billion barrels of oil (includes cumulative production plus recoverable resources); TCFG, trillion cubic feet of gas recoverable resources.
Here is Alaska's Map on Oil drillilg activity on Alaska's North Slope
Here is a Picture of a Purdhoe Bay Oil Production Plant
New Oil being created by natural processes today? Click here for new oil being created by the earth
Click here for a book on The Energy Non Crisis
The Atlantis offshore platform
In the Gulf of Mexico
The Thunderhorse Offshore platform
The Thunderhorse platform
Click here for
The technology of offshore oil production!!!!
Click here for
Shell Canada - Oil Sands.url
Click here for
Alberta Energy Oil Sands Area Map.url
Click here for Frequently asked questions on Nuclear power
Here is The Nuclear Energy Institute
Another page for animated diagrams of Nuclear power plants
Click here for Coal Availability.url
Here is an Industry site
Learn about Coal using the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
A basic diagram OF IGCC:
" "
Click here for
A real process to convert coal to oil
" "
Click here for the Ultraclean fuels link page
" "
Click here for how
Hydroelectric Power How it works.url
Super Shale
Have you ever wondered why the United States has found itself in the early stages of an
oil and gas renaissance even after its conventional oil production peaked in the early 1970s?
To get the answer, we have to go back over a hundred million years to the Cretaceous Period.
North America was split in half by a massive inland sea known as the Western Interior Seaway (WIS).
The WIS stretched over 2,000 miles from the Arctic to the Gulf of Mexico.
" "
Click here for Natural GAS resources
Natural Gas resources
" "
Natural GAS VIDEOs from YOU TUBE
" "
" "
How does a fuel cell work? Click here for an explanation " "
Click here for
The ITER Experiment
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Here is the
Real time USA Wind forecast
" "
Yale University Department of Sustainability, listing our resource as “pros and cons of going solar"
Quinn Alaurin EmailQuinn Alaurin 1525 4th Avenue Suite #700 Seattle, WA 98101 1 (877) 769-7769 expertise.com