Subject: [exopolitics] Woodward hinted at exotic black budget project?
Aloha all, here is a very insightful article on what were likely
some of the deeper issues behind the Watergate scandal and the role
played by Mark Felt. I think it useful to appreciate that President
Nixon had a deep knowledge about ET related topics since he was Vice-
President under President Eisenhower, and was almost certainly fully
briefed on these issues. Watergate was the surface of something more
fundamental in terms of competing agendas, and this article by Thien
Vehl (a pseudonym suggestive of the 'thin veil' that separates us
from the truth) points to what was really happening.
In peace
Michael Salla, PhD
Woodward: Deep Throat leads to "fantastic" discoveries
by Thien Vehl
07 Jun 2005
Woodward hinted at exotic black budget project?
A few years ago while in San Francisco, Bob Woodward made an
intriguing remark. He told the San Francisco Chronicle he wouldn't
expose Deep Throat until the man died but that when he died people
would begin to research the case and one thing would lead to
another. Woodward said it would all lead to a "fantastic" discovery.
Now that we know that Deep Throat was W. Mark Felt, former #2 man at
the FBI and the architect of J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO scheme to
thwart the lives of thousands of anti-Vietnam war dissidents, the
question looms large. What "fantastic" discovery was Woodward
referring to?
In early Watergate contacts, Mark Felt told Woodward that the White
House "regarded the stakes in Watergate as much higher than anyone
outside perceived." Felt "made veiled references to the CIA and
national security." In All The President's Men, Woodward expanded on
the subject as follows. At the height of his investigation, Woodward
met with Felt, whose hands were shaking. Woodward's notes say Felt
said "everyone's life was in danger^Å. "The covert activities involve
the whole US intelligence community and are incredible. (Felt)
refused to give specifics because it is against the law. The cover-
up has little to do with Watergate, but was mainly to protect the
covert operation." (p. 72-3, 318 All the President's Men)
Let's recap: Mark Felt told Woodward that all the intelligence
agencies were involved in a covert project that was "incredible,"
or "fantastic," as Woodward later put it. Felt said the Watergate
cover-up had little to do with Watergate, more to do with protecting
the covert project.
Why does Woodward think that when we learn that Deep Throat was an
FBI chief, we'll begin to discern the nature of that "incredible"
covert project? Apparently, the covert project was so large and
controversial that it impinged on Felt's role in law enforcement.
What were Felt's motives for meeting secretly with Woodward in order
to in expose Nixon's crimes? Some say it was frustration because
Felt was passed over when Nixon appointed an outsider to head the
FBI after J. Edgar Hoover died, or committed suicide as Anthony
Summers suggests, after Nixon tried to force Hoover out of office.
As Summers wrote in his biography of Hoover, Nixon may have had
abundant dirt on J. Edgar Hoover, himself (homosexual parties and
payoffs from the mob), which would have given Nixon critical
leverage in the end. Whether Hoover's demise figured in Mark
Felt's "Deep Throat" move against Nixon is difficult to say. Felt
described Hoover as both disciplined and tyrannical. It's possible
that after Hoover died, Felt regretted having violated so many
people through break-ins, job sabotage and other crimes committed
under COINTELPRO. In 1980 Felt was convicted for having ordered
break-ins of anti-war Weatherman underground figures' homes but was
soon pardoned by Reagan.
Felt may have had deeper motives for exposing Watergate. What was
Felt's main contribution to Woodward and Bernstein? In addition to
telling about an "incredible" covert operation involving all the
intelligence agencies, Felt told the two reporters to "follow the
money," which led investigators to roughly $100,000 laundered
through Mexico to help pay the Watergate burglars and buy their
silence. And what did Nixon and his cronies fear would be discovered
through Watergate? Some of the burglars were CIA employees, and at
the time, Nixon was engaged in a struggle against CIA director
Richard Helms. Woodward and Bernstein were aghast when they
discovered the CIA connection to the Watergate.
As the scandal unfolded in the press, Nixon called CIA director
Richard Helms into his office and warned him to help steer the FBI
away from Watergate because it would lead to revelations about "the
Bay of Pigs," which Nixon aide H. R. Haldemann interpreted as
referring to the JFK assassination. Helms literally began to shout
when Nixon threatened that "the Bay of Pigs" story might be exposed.
Thanks to the confession of former CIA officer David Atlee Phillips
(see Mark Lane's book about E. H. Hunt's lawsuit against Lane), we
now know that the CIA was involved in the assassination. The CIA
faked Oswald diversions in Mexico to make Oswald look suspicious by
contriving a connection to Cuba. It was a typical intelligence ploy.
Five months later, Nixon fired Richard Helms and the Watergate case
began to drag Nixon down. But why did Nixon distrust Helms so
After studying Nixon and Helms during Watergate, Sen. Howard Baker
said, "Nixon and Helms have so much on each other, neither of them
can breathe." Numerous studies suggest that Helms' CIA tried to
bring the Watergate case to public attention, perhaps to get revenge
on Nixon for previous doings. James McCord, one of the Watergate
burglars, was a former CIA officer, as was E. H. Hunt, also. As Jim
Hougan and other researchers have documented, McCord volunteered
information to investigators and made seemingly intentional mistakes
that led Washington DC police to catch the burglars in the act.
McCord repeatedly taped open the Watergate building's doors so that
security guard Frank Wells discovered the tape on two different
security rounds. McCord was the CIA's former chief of physical
security yet he taped the doors in a sloppy, visible way as though
trying to attract attention.
More to the point, Nixon had close ties to one military industrial
faction (Du Pont, Bush and cohorts) that had long worked against a
Howard Hughes-related faction on a major covert project involving
exotic aviation technologies. Nixon's favoritism may have given
Richard Helms a revenge motive to work against Nixon in Watergate.
Herbert Liedtke, the man who provided half of the $100,000 hush-up
money funneled through Mexico to the Watergate burglars, was the
business partner of George Bush Sr. in a company now called
Pennzoil. Nixon's famous remarks about "the Texans" helping Nixon in
the Watergate case has been interpreted a reference to both Liedtke
and Bush Sr. As Nixon told one of the Watergate conspirators at the
time, "George Bush will do anything for us." (see Nightmare, by
Anthony Lukas)
What, exactly, was Nixon referring to in his "Bay of Pigs" remarks?
Former Pentagon insider Col. Fletcher Prouty suggests that the real
subject of concern may have been Gen. Ed Lansdale, an Air Force
officer who worked with the CIA and was photographed in Dealey Plaza
on the day JFK was shot. Prouty and some of his Pentagon colleagues
who worked with Lansdale are convinced that Lansdale is the man in
the black suit who was photographed as he walked past the "hobo"
suspects on Dealey Plaza about an hour after the shooting. Prouty
said Lansdale specialized in organizing sniper teams, and appeared
to have orchestrated the shooter team that killed Kennedy. After the
1978 House Assassinations committed re-opened the JFK case, a New
York Times book pointed to the mob as having organized the murder.
The Times and other corporate sheets have neglected to discuss the
Lansdale story.
So what is the "fantastic" aspect of the Watergate case that
Woodward referred to? What is it about Felt that Woodward thinks
will lead us to a major breakthrough?
Don't ask Woodward. As managing editor of the Washington Post, he
has worked too long within Graham family money circles to step
forward and make an explicit statement. Katharine Graham's family
was extremely wealthy throughout her childhood and was intermarried
with prominent Jewish financial families. Growing up in a variety of
mansions, one of which was literally a palace in the New York
countryside, Katharine adopted her parents' Republican outlook as a
teenager yet grew more liberal with the rise of fascism. Bob
Woodward was raised a Republican and later worked for the Office of
Naval Intelligence before he became a reporter. He hand delivered
secret documents to Pentagon leaders and the White House during the
Vietnam War, which may be why Mark Felt favored Woodward: Woodward
wasn't one of those anti-war people who, as Kissinger later noted,
verged on civil conflict with the administration.
Owned by Katharine Graham's family, the Washington Post has long
been criticized for being a CIA-friendly sheet, if not its
mouthpiece, in some cases. Some Post writers, i.e. Walter Pincus,
were once CIA employees and are rumored to have directly aided the
CIA while working at the Post. Katharine Graham once remarked
that "governments need to keep secrets," suggesting that she wasn't
about to air the CIA's dirtiest laundry. For economic reasons, Post
editors want to be favored by sitting administrations in order to
get exclusive stories. During the current phase of "globalization"
(code word for Bush's Orwellian kind of empire) Post writers are
even more reluctant to embarrass the government. Some critics have
panned Woodward's last book, Bush at War, for being little more than
leaks by Bush insiders trying to cultivate close relations with the
paper that sank Nixon.
In her autobiography, Katharine Graham wrote that upon hearing JFK
had been shot, her mother remarked that the US is just
another "goddamned banana republic." Katharine's decision to include
the remark in her autobiography suggests that she suspected criminal
conspiracy in the assassination, even though she denied the fact for
most of her life. Katharine Graham's biographer Deborah Davis wrote
that after Katharine's husband Phillip commited suicide, Richard
Helms' purported grandfather, Gates White McGarrah, steered
Katharine Graham into the purchase of Newsweek magazine before
others found out that it was up for sale. If biographer Davis is
correct, Katharine Graham had a conflict of interest in her coverage
of Richard Helms because Helms' purported grandfather helped
Katharine go from owning a metropolitan sheet to owning a national
news magazine.
As Woodward suggests, those who research Mark Felt will find that
one aspect of the story, does, in fact, lead to another. There may
be more to the Helms-Graham relationship than is commonly known.
Read the following story:
for a summary of how
Howard Hughes and Richard Helms may not merely have worked toward
the same CIA ends; they may have shared aspects of their identity. A
comparison of photos on the link above shows that Hughes and Helms
were look-alikes when photographed from certain perspectives. The
history of the subject suggests that a double identity may have been
arranged through Rockefeller and Mellon family sponsorship,
presumably for oil industry and intelligence reasons.
Watergate burglars specifically targeted Hughes lawyer Larry
O'Brien's files during the burglary of Democratic National
Headquarters in 1972 because O'Brien was Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee. Why did Nixon's men risk arrest to learn more
about Hughes lawyer O'Brien and Democratic Party strategy in 1972?
During Nixon's failed 1960 run against John Kennedy for the
presidency, an unpaid $205,000 loan by Howard Hughes to Nixon's
brother Donald embarrassed Nixon and may have cost him the election.
Hughes money given to Nixon on later occasions also proved
embarrassing. It was a recurrent theme during Nixon's years in
Nixon may have suspected that further Hughes and Helms-CIA dirt on
Nixon might be used in the 1972 campaign, hence the Watergate break-
in was planned in order to go through Larry O'Brien's files and
check on the possibility. In 2003, Jeb Stuart Magruder stated that
Nixon, himself, ordered the break-in. The resort to criminal means
suggests that Nixon was afraid of something, or someone in the CIA,
which is consistent with Bob Woodward's remark that those who
investigate W. Mark Felt will make unexpected discoveries. Of
course, we now know that the CIA was (and still is) a hotbed of
murder, narcotics trafficking, and more. But what is so "fantastic"
about that? Was there a larger struggle going on within government
that the public was unaware of?
Obviously, the "incredible" covert project wasn't COINTELPRO.
Although Felt objected to some aspects of COINTELPRO, Woodward's
recent article about Felt says that Felt followed FBI chief J. Edgar
Hoover's instructions on COINTELPRO largely without question.
Perhaps the biggest thorn in the side of law enforcement during
Felt's FBI years was massive narcotics trafficking by the CIA and
other intelligence agencies.
Historians have documented Air America's heroin shipments for
defense and CIA purposes, plus countless CIA and defense
intelligence interventions to stop prosecutions of narcotics
traffickers. US intelligence agencies have thwarted local, state,
and federal prosecution of narcotic traffickers for decades by
saying that narcotics cases were part of their intelligence
operations. National security has been invoked to keep FBI and other
officials quiet.
For example, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover opposed the formation of
the CIA, fearing that it would become a hotbed of corruption where
intelligence officers would live richly by taking bribes. During
World War II, US intelligence used Meyer Lansky's gangsters
in "Operation Underworld" and after the war, Lansky's mob reigned
supreme in US narcotics trafficking. During the Vietnam War, heroin
was stuffed into the cadavers of dead GI's by CIA defense
operatives, then shipped to America for sale. In 1979 a nightmarish
case of narcotics, murders and theft was investigated by the FBI:
Mexican Miguel Nazar Haro, head of Mexico's spy agency, was indicted
in San Diego, but the CIA intervened to stop the case. In the Iran
Contra case, Oliver North noted that George Bush Sr. was present at
a meeting in which cocaine shipments by the Contras were apparently
condoned. Later, Danilo Blandon, the prime seller of cocaine to Los
Angeles when the Crips and the Bloods were getting into the trade,
was targeted for arrest. An FBI teletype of a conversation between
Blandon and his lawyer about Blandon's guns-for-drugs enterprise
reads, "CIA winked at this sort of thing."
In other words, Mark Felt's most honest FBI agents were forced to
watch their anti-narcotics work be sabotaged by corrupt intelligence
officers. A recent example of the sort is the case of Sibel Edmonds,
the FBI translator who said that during the months before 9-11, she
read FBI documents about possible terrorist plans to fly a civilian
jet into the twin towers but when she tried to tell news media she
was silenced by Bush's Attorney General John Ashcroft. Sibel Edmonds
says that in her FBI work, she read documents about massive
narcotics trafficking abetted by US government agencies. She told
reporter Amy Goodman she saw documents about "criminal
investigation, and money laundering investigation, drug related
investigations that actually have major information regarding 9-11
Daniel Hopsicker's recent book Welcome to Terrorland shows that Bush
Jr.'s subordinates worked to prevent public awareness of narcotics
trafficking surrounding the 911 hijackers' flight training in the
small coastal city of Venice, Florida. Apparently, numerous heroin
flights preceded the arrest of two men caught with 43 pounds of
heroin in the private jet of Wally Hilliard, a businessman with Bush
family and CIA ties. The heroin was seized by DEA agents at
Hilliard's small Venice, FL airport/flight where 9-11 ringleaders
Mohammed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi were training, at the time. How
does this relate to Deep Throat?
For decades, FBI men like Mark Felt were pushed aside and told to
shut up so that "intelligence"-related narcotics shipments could
proceed into the United States unhampered, for national security
reasons. But which "incredible" and "fantastic" covert project did
such narcotics trafficking point to?
The obvious answer, the only massive project that eclipsed Watergate
on a major scale, is narcotics trafficking that secretly
funds "reverse-engineered" black budget technologies, some of which
are truly bizarre. Which covert project back in 1971-2 was more
important than Watergate? Government whistle-blower and former head
of Air Force Project Pounce, Col. Steve Wilson, told researcher
Richard Boylan that "the first successful U.S. antigravity flight
took place July 18, 1971 at S-4 (on Nellis Air Force base in
Nevada), wherein light bending capabilities were also demonstrated
to obtain total invisibilities. Present at this flight were notables
such as Admiral (Bobbie Ray) Inman (former National Security Agency
director), who is now head of SAIC (Science Applications
International, Incorporated) in San Diego, CA, which makes the
antigravity drives."
Physician Steven Greer is the head of an organization called CSETI
that has videotaped testimony by 570 current and former defense,
intelligence, and aviation officials who report direct experiences
with "aliens" and UFO's while on duty. Says Greer, "I have
interviewed other very well placed people who have connected these
black projects to the drug trade. One, a senior SAIC (Science
Applications International Corporation) executive directly told me
of this and how there was an army of 8000 men who did nothing but
import drugs under the cover of classified, need-to-know operations.
He stated that of the 8000 men involved (as of 1997 when we spoke of
this) that 2000 of them had been killed for sometimes minor
infractions of security. He assured me that this was a major covert
funding source and that it was destroying our country, but nobody is
willing to take on such a lethal and powerful group to stop it." (p.
268-9, Disclosure, by Steven Greer). Admiral Bobby Ray Inman appears
to be Greer's informant on the subject. Inman should know; he was
Director of Naval Intelligence in 1974, Vice Director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency in 1976, and Deputy director of the CIA from
1980-81 under Reagan before working for SAIC.
Buttressing Inman's story, is that of Former Army Col. Phillip
Corso, who worked in Eisenhower's White House and in the Pentagon.
Corso wrote a memoir stating that a major high-level campaign to
copy downed "alien technology" began as early as 1961, if not
sooner. As the project developed, private industry began to gain
control over the project. President Eisenhower told Brigadier
General Stephen Lovekin and others that alien-related affairs and
technology were being taken from his control. As Eisenhower
said, "It is not going to be in the best hands." (Lovekin's
testimony, p. 235, Disclosure, by Steven Greer) Eisenhower's fears
were echoed in his farewell statement that "we must guard against
the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or
unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the
disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
Those who are new to the subject of alien technology may not know
that for decades numerous top US officials have made public
admissions on the subject. The list includes former presidents,
astronauts, high-ranking Pentagon brass, and more. See CSETI's
publications on the subject.
If Gen. Lovekin and others are correct, a power struggle within the
US government centered on one simple question: who would control the
most important technology that had ever been "discovered" by
humankind? (scavenged might be a better word) Who would own and
control what we now know as "electrogravity" technology
Other CSETI witnesses report that the Hughes Corporation did
extensive research on downed alien antigravity technology. Witnesses
to Hughes work on antigravity are: aerospace contractor James
McCandlish, Air Force Lt. Col. John Williams, classified graphics
worker Don Johnson, and a top secret scientist and engineer
named "Dr. B." (p. 265, Disclosure) In other words, Howard Hughes,
who figured importantly in Watergate, was heavily involved in
an "incredible" covert project.
Hughes' role in the covert project may have been frustrated when
Nixon contributor Robert Vesco escaped the United States in 1971
with $224 million in Investor's Overseas Service (IOS) money, much
of which was dirty money laundered into the Bahamas to avoid paying
taxes. Howard Hughes may have lost millions in the theft because, as
Hughes biographers Bartlett and Steele report, many millions of
Hughes' money was laundered into the Bahamas, where it mysteriously
disappeared during the same time period.
In 1971 when the first successful US antigravity flight assured that
manufacture of such technology would soon follow, a shady financier
named Robert Vesco met and did business with Hughes' arch
competitors in the Du Pont family just before Vesco escaped abroad
with the looted IOS millions. The two Du Ponts sold a company called
All American Aviation to Vesco, who was then known for mob ties.
Shortly afterward, Vesco, who was short on cash at the time, took
millions from All American's accounts and used it to bankroll his
looting of IOS' $224 million.
In other words, Du Pont money made the IOS looting possible. Vesco
consulted with mob financier Meyer Lansky's aides, Dino and Eddie
Celini, in Rome before looting IOS. In short, just before Nixon's
1972 re-election campaign and Watergate, Hughes (and Helms at the
CIA) may have been betrayed, Hughes nearly bankrupted, by a Du Pont
faction that was competing with a Hughes-Mellon-Rockefeller faction
for control of reverse-engineered antigravity technology. Later the
Hughes-Mellon-Rockefeller faction joined with Allied Chemical, the
company that Katharine Graham's father had owned a major share in.
Within months, Richard Helms' Hughes-related CIA was maneuvering in
ways that helped to expose the Watergate case, perhaps as revenge
against Nixon, who had favored the Du Pont faction and Vesco over
As a result of his big cash losses, Hughes' finances were crippled
and Hughes Aircraft was soon taken over by Du Pont^Öcontrolled
General Motors. All of the reverse-engineered, antigravity
technology that Hughes had been working on was apparently taken by
Du Pont family interests. It was an aviation coup, of sorts, that
involved the worst of organized crime.
Those who haven't read about such subjects won't appreciate just
how "fantastic" the further implications of the Mark Felt story
actually are. Would Bob Woodward actually come right out and speak
about such things?
Not explicitly. Woodward is employed by a family that had a
financial stake in military-industrial contracts of the sort.
Katharine Graham's father, Eugene Meyer, was the prime organizer of
Allied Chemical Corporation. Meyer, who later became Herbert
Hoover's governor of the Federal Reserve Board, earned most of his
fortune through Allied Chemical, which later merged with Martin-
Marietta, now part of Allied-Lockheed Martin. Allied-Lockheed Martin
is deeply involved in the manufacture of Cosmic Top Secret
technologies used in craft like the Stealth bomber, the X-22A, the
TR-3B and other craft like the reported TAW-50, the most recent
gravity-manipulating craft in the United States arsenal. The famous
Skunk Works is an Allied-Lockheed Martin facility.
As numerous government whistleblowers have stated, question remains
as to who actually controls such technologies: the US government or
a cabal of private manufacturers who have used billions in black
budget narcotics profits to fund reverse-engineered technologies in
order to avoid having to report the cash flows to Congress. Secrecy
of the sort has allowed certain private estates to lie and steal
from the US government without Congressional oversight. In other
words, greed, rather than secrecy, may be the motive. Back in 1972
when W. Mark Felt helped expose Nixon in Watergate, the CIA was up
to its eyebrows in criminal activities.
When antigravity "flight" was reportedly first achieved in 1971,
Nixon's second presidential campaign was being organized and
Watergate would soon follow. The winner of the 1972 election would
have leverage in determining who would profit by the manufacture of
reverse-engineered anti-gravity technology. *Some researchers say it
isn't actually "anti-gravity" technology because it manipulates
different kinds of gravity, instead. Retired naval engineer Col. Tom
Bearden and others write at length about their experience
with "electrogravity" technology. Over time, Bearden has become the
grand old man of electrogravity theory, yet black budget physicists
may have slightly different equations for electrogravity. In 1947
when Truman's National Security Act was first implemented, black
budget labs reportedly plunged into the study of reverse-engineered
technology with an intensity that rivaled the Manhattan Project.
Did Bob Woodward hint at such "fantastic" subjects when he discussed
Deep Throat with the San Francisco Chronicle a few years ago? He
might have, but as the employee of a family that has holdings in
Allied-Lockheed Martin, he had little room to discuss such subjects
openly. The best he could possibly do while working for Katharine
Graham's son, Donald, at present, would be to vaguely hint at such
subjects. Non-corporate press has taken the lead in reporting on
such topics, given that corporate sheets tend to be compromised due
to their dependence on defense-related advertisers and finance.
Watergate occurred at the height of the Cold War, hence Mark Felt
and others who ranked high enough in the US government to know about
antigravity technology assumed that it was "illegal" to talk about
it. They feared that the Soviets or other challengers might misuse
such technology. As CSETI witness "Dr. B" noted, military men who
spoke loosely about the project were killed to keep it secret.
So how would Woodward have known enough to appreciate
the "incredible," or "fantastic" nature of the project? Woodward had
two direct routes to information about aliens and antigravity
technology. During Woodward's Navy intelligence stint, he personally
handed secret documents to top Pentagon Brass and the White House.
According to dozens of CSETI witnesses, an abundance of information
about secret labs, UFO sightings, and foreign encounters of the sort
is handled by top Pentagon brass daily. Secondly, for years the Navy
has had a special role in researching recovered "alien" technologies
because when downed alien craft were first seized for study, the US
military assumed that they were nuclear powered.
The Navy was the first service to experiment with nuclear reactors
at a research station near Twin Falls, ID because the Navy wanted to
use them to power submarines. For that reason, Woodward's Navy has
long had its own program of research and intelligence regarding
recovered alien technology, although the Army and the Air Force
tried to compete with separate programs. In short, Woodward had two
possible routes to information about recovered technology: his ONI
briefings to top Pentagon brass (and the White House), and the
Navy's traditionally more independent role in researching alien
During his "Deep Throat" meetings with Woodward, Mark Felt probably
didn't need to explicitly say that the "incredible" covert project
shared by all intelligence agencies concerned antigravity
technology. All Felt had to do was make an oblique hint. Given his
previous intelligence work at the highest levels in government,
Woodward should have understood Felt immediately.
Even if Woodward didn't understand the "incredible" nature of the
secret project that loomed so largely behind Watergate, he has had
32 years since then to pick up on the subject. By the time Woodward
spoke to the San Francisco Chronicle a few years ago, hundreds of
witnesses had publicly testified about reverse-engineered,
antigravity technology. Perhaps that's why Woodward went out of his
way to emphasize that a "fantastic" discovery that may soon unfold,
now that we can begin to analyze Mark Felt's cryptic revelation.
However, Woodward has little reason to think that most readers will
go from learning about Felt, to a succession of further discoveries,
culminating in a "fantastic" breakthrough. Watergate is old news. It
won't hold the public's attention for long.
The fantastic nature of the covert project that Mark Felt spoke
about requires sustained, if not combative, reporting by major news
outlets on the scale of Watergate. Given the lack of investigative
reporting done by the handful of conglomerates that control most US
media 32 years after Watergate, it will take a major crisis to tease
out such details, yet the leads should be abundant.