Subject: IUFO: X-PPAC/PRG Update - June 26 , 2006 PRG/X-PPAC Paradigm Research Group Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee Update - June 26, 2006 Exopolitics World Hub PRG has formally set up a new website, Exopolitics World Hub. The ambitious goal of this project is to link together one website from each of 32 key countries - all with the same URL formats, i.e.,,,, etc . Each site would provide links and information regarding exopolitical developments within that country. Ideally all sites would be published in the principal language of the country and in English. Sites for the United States (by PRG) and Italy have been published. Canada and Turkey are pending. Each country may design their site as they wish, but all are welcome to draw upon the design format for The consistency in URL and design formats will enhance the perception of an organized network. It is expected that once these sites are operational and receiving traffic, they will quickly rise to the top listings on Google and other search engines creating a powerful sense of a global exopolitical movement. Anyone who believes they are positioned to create and maintain a participating site for one of these countries, please contact PRG at your earliest convenience. Individuals living in the respective country are much preferred. X-conference #3 The new target date for the 3rd X-Conference is now April 2007 in the Washington, DC area. Let's face it, 2006 is proving to be an awful year, another annus horribilis, best forgotten. After December 31 let's not speak of it again. PRG will have to raise $50,000 to rectify the event franchise and commit to the third conference. The effort continues. X-PPAC Congressional Alert Few things are more disconcerting in these troubling times than for a politically minded and observant person to watch the Congress of the United States of America stumbling around in the hallowed halls and chambers of the Capitol Building looking for a spine. While the hunt proceeds X-PPAC will continue to point out the obvious to the esteemed Members: 1) there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, 2) many people in the government and the military are well aware of this, 3) many of same have begun to speak out publicly, 4) nevertheless, the United States Government continues to maintain a truth embargo and deny the issue, 5) this truth embargo is no longer acceptable and must be resolved in favor of the public's right to know, and most importantly 6) extraordinary technology which could save countless lives and solve major problem faced by all nations remains hostage to this truth embargo and to those leaders who do not trust their own citizens and place the development of weaponry above all else. This most recent Congressional Alert brings to the attention of Congress the availability of a new book, Majic Eyes Only: Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology by Ryan S. White and a new project by PRG (see below). PRG Quotes Page PRG has assembled from multiple sources a powerful compilation of selected written and spoken quotes from persons of rank and accomplishment. The near term goal is to expand this section to 100 listings. Quotes were selected on the basis of an unambiguous relationship to the validity of an extraterrestrial presence and the history of government posture toward this presence. Such a compilation can be very useful to advocacy, but its usefulness is directly dependent upon full sourcing: date, event, location, book, interview, etc. Please email PRG if you can provide information pertaining to: 1) the validity of a quote, 2) the accuracy of a quote, 3) the provenance of a quote, or 4) have a suggested quote for inclusion in the PRG Quotes Page. Thanks. ________________________________________________________ Paradigm Research Group email URL: Cell: 202-215-8344 4938 Hampden Lane, #161 Bethesda, MD 20814 _________________________________________________________ 3rd Exopolitics Expo - The X-Conference TBA 2007