Exopolitical Implications of French/Dutch rejection of the
    European Union Constitution


France and UFO disclosure

Exopolitical Comment # 33: Exopolitical Implications of French/Dutch
rejection of the European Union Constitution


The rejection by voters in France and the Netherlands of the proposed
European Union Constitution on May 29 and June 1, 2005, respectively,
carries much exopolitical significance. 

The defeat means that a 'United
States of Europe' as a strategic counterweight to the United States is
unlikely to emerge in the near futureThe result is that the European Union will continue to remain a common market
with great economic integration and a single currency, but with minimal
political cohesion, and even less military integration. The outcome is
that NATO will continue as the preeminent military institution and
Europe, and the United States will continue to dominate NATO as it has
since its formation in 1949. The Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, for
example, is an American and it was this issue of who would occupy the
highest office in NATO that led to France under General de Gaulle
removing itself from the integrated command structure of NATO in 1967 in
protest at continued American dominance. The overall result is that the
U.S. will continue to dominate European military affairs especially with
the integration of former East European states that are strong allies of
the U.S. as witnessed in their strong support of the Bush
administration's preemptive military action against Iraq.


The defeat of the idea of a 'United States of Europe' that could rival
the U.S. and be an independent military/political counterweight to it
under the leadership of France and Germany means that another way of
countering U.S. global dominance will be sought. 

French political leaders
have clearly recognized, at least with the Bush administration's explicit
policy of preemptive military action, that the greatest danger to global
peace is unrestrained American power that prioritizes national interests
over global interests American dominance is likely to be accentuated in the development and deployment of 'exotic
technologies' gained through retrieved extraterrestrial vehicles and
information revealed by whistleblowers such as Col Phillip Corso in The
Day After Roswell (1997). Another retired US Army veteran, Sgt Clifford,
persuasively reveals in a book based on official documents gained through
FOIA requests (UFO's are Real, 1997), that U.S. military and diplomatic
resources are covertly used to gather crashed UFOs and extraterrestrial
artifacts around the world in covert programs known as Project Moondust
and Project Blue Fly.


With the existence of exotic technologies secretly gained through five
decades of covert political/military efforts at retrieving downed
extraterrestrial vehicles, discovery of extraterrestrial artifacts and
agreements with extraterrestrial races, the U.S. is in a position to
increasingly dominate global affairs for decades to come. In the view of
advanced democratic nations such as France, an unrestrained U.S.
superpower that secretly uses its exotic technology to further its global
dominance remains a great threat. Without an indigenous European
political and military counterweight that is free of American dominance,
and has the economic and technological base to develop its own exotic
technologies, it is likely that French policy makers will increasingly
adopt the view that the most effective restraint on the development,
funding and deployment of exotic technologies that threaten global
interests is an informed American citizenry.


Disclosure of the reality of the UFO phenomenon and truth of the
extraterrestrial hypothesis that many UFOs are piloted by
extraterrestrials from other worlds will do much to bring about greater
transparency in how the U.S. manages and deploys the exotic technologies
it has gained through its reverse engineering efforts. It can be
predicted that with the temporary defeat of a 'United States of Europe'
free of American dominance, France will increasingly turn its attention
towards more disclosure of information concerning the truth of the
extraterrestrial hypothesis. Consequently, I will now briefly review
France's historic role in studying UFO sightings and how we might soon
see changes in the rate and extent to which France discloses the truth
concerning UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis.


France and UFO Disclosure

France in 1977 created a department within its equivalent of NASA - the
CNES (Centre National d'Études Spatiales - National Center of Space
Studies) to undertake a civilian study of UFO reports. GEPAN (Groupe
d'Études des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés - Study Group for
Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena) was initially well funded and
represented a serious scientific investigation of the UFO phenomenon by
French scientists. GEPAN was initially headed by Dr. Claude Poher and
later headed by Dr Jean Jacques Velasco in 1983. With the closure of
Project Blue Book by the US Air Force allegedly due to inconclusive
evidence of UFO's cited in the 1969 Condon Report, GEPAN represented
continued global public interest in the UFO phenomenon, and the
continuing number of UFO sightings that could not be explained. GEPAN was
a model for the kind of rigorous scientific study of UFOs supported by
prominent U.S. researchers such as Dr Allen Hynek and Dr James MacDonald
where a civilian agency such as NASA would be more likely than the US Air
Force to do a serious study of the UFO phenomenon.


The formation of GEPAN coincided with a United Nations initiative to
promote a more coordinated international research into the UFO

The initial report by Dr Poher to a CNES scientific committee
certainly strengthened the importance of an internationally coordinated
study of UFO's where he claimed that in "60% of the cases reported here,
the description of this phenomenon is apparently one of a flying machine
whose origin, modes of lifting and/or propulsion are totally outside our
In 1978, the UN General Assembly approved a resolution calling for a UN department to
study UFO sightings around the planet
 It is not coincidental that France's initiative with GEPAN gave great legitimacy to efforts to
establish a UN collection agency for UFO reports. While the UN resolution
was passed by a committee vote in 1978, it was never implemented due to
lack of major power support. The role of the U.S. in stifling this UN
initiative has emerged with FOIA documents detailing telex communications
between the State Department and the US representative to the UN (see
Clifford Stone, UFO's are Real). The creation of GEPAN was a significant
initiative since it would presumably be instrumental in collection of a
UFO database not only for France but for most if not all the nearly 30
Francophone countries.


In 1988, GEPAN was renamed SEPRA (Service d'Expertise des Phénomènes de
Rentrées Atmosphériques - Atmospheric Re-entry Phenomena Expertise
Department) and experienced a significant cut back in funding. The
mandate of GEPAN/SEPRA became more general with it now studying anomalous
atmospheric phenomenon in addition to UFO sightings. The cutback
presumably signified a lack of interest in the UFO phenomenon by the
French civilian space agency (CNES) which thought that the approximately
5% of UFO sightings that could not be explained didn't warrant the kind
of study and resources previously given to GEPAN. The case studies
investigated by GEPAN arguably failed to provide the kind of conclusive
evidence that would merit CNES investing further resources to French UFO


In 1999, the French COMETA Report appeared and gave fresh scientific
legitimacy to the study of the UFO phenomenon Composed by a group of
senior scientists and military officials, the COMETA report emphasized
the seriousness of a rigorous scientific investigation of the UFO
phenomenon. It made a number of recommendations which included: an
expansion of funding and investigations by SEPRA of the UFO phenomenon;
establishing a unit at the highest level of government to deliberate on
policy aspects of the UFO phenomenon; and establish close diplomatic
relations with the U.S. to coordinate a policy response to the UFO
(for summary of COMETA)


While the COMETA report was not distributed widely in the English
speaking world, it proved to be very popular in the Francophone world and
attracted much interest and debate. However, any hope that SEPRA would
witness a restoration of the kind of resources and focus it previously
enjoyed on its inception was sorely disappointed. Not only did SEPRA fail
to have any further resources given to it, but in January 2004, SEPRA
experienced a further cut back in funding so that it presently continues
in name only with its Director being the sole official responsible for


What might have occurred to have caused the cut back of SEPRA at the very
time that the COMETA report was advising the opposite? Why was the COMETA
report initiated in the first place if its key recommendations were going
to be ignored by the French scientific and political community? Was SEPRA
merely a public relations exercise as critics earlier contended was the
case with the USAF Project Blue Book?


One explanation is that the virtual elimination of SEPRA as a functioning
department in CNES was done to preempt possible damage by the publication
of a book co-authored by its Director, Dr Velasco in April 2004 that
concluded in favor both of the reality of the UFO phenomenon and of the
extraterrestrial hypothesis. 
In UFOs .. the Evidence, Velasco was able to
draw upon an extensive database of 5800 case studies in the files of
SEPRA (13% of which were of 'unknown' origin), and the book promised to
have great impact in shaping French public opinion on UFO's


Another explanation to the virtual elimination of SEPRA was confidence by
French policy makers at the highest level that France had a vital
interest in maintaining a rigid non-disclosure policy concerning UFO
reports and the truth behind the extraterrestrial hypothesis. This was
likely a result of policy coordination and technology sharing with the
U.S., Russia and other major states that made secrecy a price for major
states such as France gaining information and technology gained from
extraterrestrial artifacts retrieved and discovered around the planet.
ame into possession of extraterrestrial technologies
France thus had much to gain from continued participation in a covert
global political system created to coordinate national policy on UFOs and
the truth of the extraterrestrial hypothesis arguably dated from the
World War II era when Nazi Germany


Central to the French policy of non-disclosure was anticipation of a
smooth ratification process of the European Constitution that had been
signed on October 29, 2004 after three years of negotiation. 

The Constitution offered the kind of political centralization that would have
enabled France and other major European states to build up a 'United
States of Europe' that would be sufficiently independent and powerful to
counter the U.S. in the economic and political spheres, and to achieve an
independent military force
Perhaps more importantly, the coming 'United States of Europe' would give
France and other European powers the means by which American dominance in
exotic technologies gained through covert projects dealing with downed
extraterrestrial material would be at least restrained if not bridged.


The rejection of the European Constitution has put on hold these
ambitions of a politically integrated Europe, and very likely led to
alarm at the highest levels in France that there will not be the
emergence of a strategic counterweight to American dominance in exotic
technologies. As a consequence, the geo-strategic balance of forces is
firmly behind U.S. technological dominance that will continue to expand
as the U.S. has the lion's share of extraterrestrial technologies and
information retrieved through its network of global agreements and


Without a politically powerful and independent 'United States of Europe'
to rival and restrain the U.S. in developing and applying exotic
technologies, it is likely that French policy makers will decide that it
is in France's national interest to promote public awareness of the
reality of the UFO phenomenon and the extraterrestrial hypothesis. As the
American public becomes aware of the extraterrestrial hypothesis and the
exotic technologies gained over the last five decades, there will
understandably be a public desire for transparency and accountability in
the developing, funding and application of these exotic technologies.
Such an eventually will be in the national interest of France and other
major nation states since they do not have the means to restrain or
bridge the gap between the exotic technologies possessed by the U.S. and
the technological base of other major states.

