A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races ^Ö A Typology of the most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity © Copyright, Michael E. Salla, PhD July 26, 2004, http://www.exopolitics.org drmsalla@exopolitics.org --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Abstract There are an extensive number of extraterrestrial races known to be currently interacting with Earth and the human population. In a 1998 interview, Clifford Stone, a retired US army Sergeant who served in the US Army for 22 years and participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE's), revealed there were a total of 57 extraterrestrial races known to the US military. From this pool of extraterrestrial races, a number are more active than others, and can be claimed to have the most significance for human evolution and sovereignty. The extensive number of testimonies concerning different extraterrestrial races indicates that the motivations and activities of extraterrestrial races vary greatly, and an idea of these motivations can be distilled from close examination of these testimonies. This report describes the main extraterrestrial races most commonly referred to in the literature who appear to have most strategic significance for the evolution and sovereignty of humanity, and their impact on a range of systemic global problems. The report distinguishes between these extraterrestrial races on the basis of their belonging to one of either two distinct groups. The first group contains extraterrestrial races with which `shadow governments' responsible for extraterrestrial affairs, have reached agreements with and even collaborated in a number of joint projects. The extensive set of interlocking agreements between these races and the `shadow government' in the US and elsewhere suggests the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests. The military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests currently controls most information concerning the extraterrestrial presence; and dominates government institutions around the planet, financial interests, the mass media, and is responsible for systemic global problems. There is also a second grouping of extraterrestrial races that lie outside of this web of clandestine agreements between extraterrestrial races and `shadow governments'/national security agencies. Most `contactees' report these races to be `friendly' to human interests suggesting a more ethical approach to the challenges confronting humanity as it prepares for the truth about the extraterrestrial presence and challenges posed by advanced extraterrestrial technology. It is this latter group which may prove to be the key in solving systemic global problems caused by the first group and the `shadow government'. This report will first describe the group of extraterrestrials that are part of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that while mainly associated with the US, is global in scope. The report will then describe the second group of extraterrestrials who have declined to be associated with the military-industrial- extraterrestrial complex. Distinguishing between extraterrestrial groups in this way helps bring to prominence the complex ethical- legal-political dimensions in understanding how different extraterrestrial races choose to cooperate or not with the military- industrial-extraterrestrial complex. For example, is a race of extraterrestrials `unfriendly' if it chooses to become part of a `military-industrial-extraterrestrial' complex thereby sharing technology with national security agencies in what may be described as `mutually beneficial projects' that lead to secrecy, human rights violations and damage the global environment as a result of policies by the `shadow government'? Likewise, is a race of extraterrestrials `friendly' when it refuses to be co-opted into a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex thereby choosing to play a mainly observer role as a majority of the human race is exploited by human elites and extraterrestrials associated with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex? While a prima facie argument can be made to answer `yes' to both questions, this should not disguise the deeper ethical-legal-political issues that emerge with the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex and dealing with such questions. Understanding the motivations and activities of the most significant extraterrestrial races will help greatly in answering the above questions; and will also help private individuals respond adequately to the dilemma over which extraterrestrial races contribute to global problems confronting humanity, and which extraterrestrial races can be worked with for the evolution and emancipation of humanity. ********************* To Read Complete Paper Online go to: http://www.exopolitics.org ************************************************************************** Greetings All, here is something I received from Dr Thomas Hansen which concerns a declaration to cooperate with those off planet cultures that are visiting Earth. It's an effort to focus individual intent to promote a necessary shift and has much merit. In peace, Michael Salla, PhD www.exopolitics.org ***************************************** Introduction to the Declaration of Cosmic Cooperation The Declaration of Cosmic Cooperation is designed to state human intention to now join in peaceful relations with Off Planet Cultures. At the present time, a handful of people in the world are determining for all of humanity how we relate to beings from other regions of the Universe, and these few people are not choosing a path of peace. President Eisenhower reportedly said in the 1950s that the subject of actual UFO and ET presence on Earth is not in the best of hands now, being controlled by a covert military/industrial group. Those persons currently in control of Off Planet Culture contact wish to weaponize space, they have actually engaged in attacks on Off Planet Culture craft and occupants, and they also refuse to use what has been learned from Off Planet Cultures for the benefit of all of humankind. They are choosing to give the world new and terrible weapons, rather than an infinite and nonpolluting energy generation system, which has been reverse- engineered from UFO technology. We should not be at the mercy of these few humans who wish to continue the game of secrecy, and who wish to continue to withhold this actual workable technology that would completely eliminate our need for fossil fuels, nuclear technology, and internal combustion engines. In the Declaration of Cosmic Cooperation, we are stating to the Universe that "we the people" now want space to be a place of peace, that we humans want to be peaceful participants with members of Off Planet Cultures, and that we want to reap the benefits of such relations with them. If governments will not take the initiative for peaceful membership in the Universal Community, then we will do so by declaring our intent in the Declaration of Cosmic Cooperation. Declaration of Cosmic Cooperation Because of the course of events on Earth, it has become necessary for we humans to declare our desire to join with peaceful civilizations throughout the Universe to save Earth and ourselves from our own excessive self-interest. We desire to use our creativity to assure that all living things on Earth are free to enjoy the resources and beauty of Creation now and throughout future generations. We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable; that all are created with the right to enjoy the Universe and receive sustenance; all are endowed with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the realization of Happiness; that to secure these rights we recognize that the denial of the rights of any living thing affects the rights of all beings in the Universe. Civilizations are legitimized by their ability to promote these rights for all life now and in the future. They should exist for the purpose of recognizing and serving the unity of life. To the extent that they promote primarily their own identity, they inhibit the recognition and implementation of this unity. Extreme identification with any part of the whole Cosmos, be it a particular region of the Cosmos, a planet, nation, religion, race, institution, or species is detrimental to individual and collective peace throughout the Universe. We humans have changed life on Earth. We have converted valuable resources into waste products. We have threatened the very existence of life on Earth with our weapons of mass destruction, mass pollution, and mass poverty. We have allowed our strong desire for independence to interfere with our innate and natural qualities of goodness, love, and sharing. We have been lured into the belief that our individual lives are more important than the lives of others, wherever they reside. We humans now choose to change our approach to all of life to be that of service-to-others, rather than service-to-self. We vow to eliminate our over-identification with our particular individual lives and with our planet. We vow to create a new sense of cooperation that values the life force within everything. We pledge our lives to co-creating a Universe where all beings can more easily remember their natural freedom, unity, and goodness. We pledge that we, the people of Earth, shall strive to become peaceful and productive members of the Universal community of beings. Thomas Hansen, Ph.D., 1580 Reynovia Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Thansen103@aol.com www.cosmiccooperation.com