Aliens In Archeology
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All Contents on this page are Copyright 2005 by Robert Baird
All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with Permission

  Aliens in Archaeology

By Robert Baird


As you read this book you will have to suspend the disbelief you feel
when confronted with my assertions that for at least 5000 years man has
been in close contact all over the world. If you have read my other books
you will know I have made the case better than any and that there are
lots of good scholars who agree with me.


Puma Puncu and Lake Titicaca may provide the proof as a recent research
team finally checks out the spires of ancient buildings that fishermen
have tied their boats to for millennia. Here high in the Andes we know
there were astronomers who also were in Central America where the Earth
Energy Grid allowed something fantastic to dovetail with other places
including Giza. The Cosmic energy and earth energy in concert with their
soulful energy was able to build psycho-spiritual attunements that have
only recently been sublimated by most nations or our leaders. Yet these
leaders are members of cults or Christian Mystery Schools like the
Rosicrucians who use this occult knowledge against us.


I think there is a great chance that it was well understood 15,000 years
ago by Andean astronomers who were Kelts and later became Chachapoyas and
leaders of the Incas in a time when much of the real knowledge had
diminished. High above the clouds they could see the Milky Way formation
that looks like a serpent without the glass lenses that they got from the
slow moving lava flows and that have been found at La Venta in Mexico and
in modern day Ecuador by archaeologists. Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan,
Viracocha, Xolotl and others are the ^Ñtravelers^Ò who I think I have
proven are Druids through many sources in other books. Here is a little
of the Theosophist viewpoint on the serpent or Dragon wisdom that led
Central America and included people boarding their kid^Òs heads to look
like serpents.


^ÓWe read in The Secret Doctrine that fohat, divine messenger,
intelligent cosmic electricity, who at the Divine Word proceeds forth to
create worlds and the beings thereon, moves in a serpentine course,
generates spirals; and this spiral plan of evolution is imitated
throughout nature, from the nebulae to the spiral growth of plants.  The
serpent means divine wisdom, creative intelligence; and Masters of Wisdom
are called serpents -- which gives a new meaning to the injunction "Be ye
wise as Serpents."



                      Dragon Path, Forbidden City, Beijing


                         Chinese Emperor's Dragon Robe



Hermes or Mercury carries the caduceus, a wand with two serpents entwined
on a staff; the Chinese made the serpent the emblem of their emperors;
the Druids called themselves snakes; serpent-emblems called Dracontia
once covered the globe and are still found; Quetzalcohuatl was the
snake-deity of the ancient Mexicans; dragons are found throughout ancient
symbology with the same sense.


Quetzalcohuatl (feathered serpent)

But we also hear of evil serpents. The Gnostics spoke of an Agathodaimon
and a Kakodaimon, or a good and an evil divinity, represented as
serpents; Hercules slays Python; Apollo at birth overcomes a serpent, but
does it by means of another serpent -- the higher wisdom in man
overcoming the lower.



Collection: Antakya Museum (Turkey); Type: Mosaic;
Summary: The evil eye, demon, spirit of good luck;
Context: Antioch, House of the Evil Eye; Period: Imperial Roman
Date: C2nd - C3rd AD



The two nodes of the moon, Rahu and Ketu, are called the Dragon's head
and tail. So the serpent can represent the duality of human nature --
which is but a copy of the duality in cosmos. A dual geometry may be
based on the right and left helical curves. There is the serpent of
spirit and the serpent of matter, the heavenly wisdom from above and the
earthly wisdom from below, of which Paul speaks so often.^Ô (1)


There are many books that Adrian Gilbert, Robert Bauval, Robert Schoch
and others have done which show the correspondences between Egyptian and
Mayan prophecy. I regard a lot of this as mere rationalization of
Armageddon type fear-mongering and ^Ñmiss^Ò-story. Inevitably they draw
alien influences into the game and often they see it going from Egypt to
the Sarmoung Brotherhood rather than having an earth-based prior culture
in places such as archaeology does now prove. I have documented these
things in books starting with Diverse Druids. The chances of my work
getting a real publisher are minimal as a result. Archaeologists do not
integrate all the discoveries throughout the world and the media in the
 US refuses to report on finds such as Yonaguni or tell us why Kennewick
Man's site was destroyed [related link: I know 60 Minutes
asked that pointed question but I have yet to find an answer as to who
did this or allowed it to happen the day before Congressional Bills were
set to take effect.


The correspondences of the Mayan calendar with Egypt are real in some
ways and I do not throw away the information provided. I do however look
for the science to explain these things rather than take the easy answer
which fits a paradigm that has fed excrement to us about Elohim or other
alien influences for the last five thousand years.


Robert Bruce Baird
Hermetic hermit committed to building a new world of Brotherhood

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