/** * Horde Tree Javascript Class * * Provides the javascript class to create dynamic trees. * * $Horde: horde/templates/javascript/tree.js,v 2009/01/06 15:27:38 jan Exp $ * * Copyright 2003-2009 The Horde Project (http://www.horde.org/) * * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you * did not receive this file, see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * * @author Marko Djukic * @package Horde_Tree * @since Horde 3.0 */ function Horde_Tree(instanceName) { /* Set up this class instance for function calls from the page. */ this._instanceName = instanceName; /* Image variables. */ this.imgDir = '/cpsess8203519419/horde/themes/graphics/tree'; this.imgBlank = 'blank.png'; this.imgFolder = 'folder.png'; this.imgFolderOpen = 'folderopen.png'; /* Variables that change based on text direction. */ this.floatDir = 'float:left;'; this.imgLine = 'line.png'; this.imgJoin = 'join.png'; this.imgJoinBottom = 'joinbottom.png'; this.imgPlus = 'plus.png'; this.imgPlusBottom = 'plusbottom.png'; this.imgPlusOnly = 'plusonly.png'; this.imgMinus = 'minus.png'; this.imgMinusBottom = 'minusbottom.png'; this.imgMinusOnly = 'minusonly.png'; this.imgNullOnly = 'nullonly.png'; this.imgLeaf = 'leaf.png'; /* Tree building variables. */ this.renderStatic = false; this.target = ''; this.header = []; this.rootNodes = []; this.nodes = []; this.node_pos = []; this.dropline = []; } Horde_Tree.prototype.setImgDir = function(imgDir) { this.imgDir = imgDir; } Horde_Tree.prototype.renderTree = function(rootNodes, renderStatic) { this.rootNodes = rootNodes; this.renderStatic = renderStatic; this.nodes = eval('n_' + this._instanceName); this.header = eval('h_' + this._instanceName); this.options = eval('o_' + this._instanceName); this.target = 't_' + this._instanceName; this._renderTree(); } Horde_Tree.prototype._renderTree = function() { this.output = []; if (!this.options['hideHeaders']) { this.output.push(this._buildHeader()); } for (var i = 0; i < this.rootNodes.length; ++i) { this.buildTree(this.rootNodes[i]); } document.getElementById(this.target).innerHTML = this.output.join(''); this._correctWidthForScrollbar(); // If using alternating row shading, work out correct shade. if (this.options['alternate']) { this.stripe(); } if (typeof ToolTips == 'object') { ToolTips.attachBehavior(); } } /** * Returns the HTML code for a header row, if necessary. * * @access private * * @return string The HTML code of the header row or an empty string. */ Horde_Tree.prototype._buildHeader = function() { if (!this.header.length) { return ''; } var html = []; html.push('
'); for (var i = 0; i < this.header.length; ++i) { html.push(''); html.push(this.header[i]['html'] ? this.header[i]['html'] : ' '); html.push('
'); } html.push(''); return html.join(''); } /** * Recursive function to walk through the tree array and build * the output. */ Horde_Tree.prototype.buildTree = function(nodeId) { this.buildLine(nodeId); if (typeof(this.nodes[nodeId]['children']) != 'undefined') { var numSubnodes = this.nodes[nodeId]['children'].length; if (numSubnodes > 0) { if (this.nodes[nodeId]['expanded']) { rowStyle = 'display:block;'; } else { rowStyle = 'display:none;'; } this.output.push('
'); for (var c = 0; c < numSubnodes; ++c) { var childNodeId = this.nodes[nodeId]['children'][c]; this.node_pos[childNodeId] = []; this.node_pos[childNodeId]['pos'] = c + 1; this.node_pos[childNodeId]['count'] = numSubnodes; this.buildTree(childNodeId); } this.output.push('
'); } } return true; } Horde_Tree.prototype.buildLine = function(nodeId) { var node = this.nodes[nodeId]; var o = this.output; var style = ''; o.push('
'); // If we have headers, track which logical "column" we're in for // any given cell of content. var column = 0; if (typeof(node['extra']) != 'undefined' && typeof(node['extra'][0]) != 'undefined') { var extra = node['extra'][0]; for (var c = 0; c < extra.length; ++c) { o.push('
'); o.push(extra[c]); o.push('
'); ++column; } for (var d = c; d < extraColsLeft; ++d) { o.push('
'); ++column; } } else { for (var c = 0; c < extraColsLeft; ++c) { o.push('
'); ++column; } } o.push('
'); if (this.options['multiline']) { o.push('
'); } for (var i = this.renderStatic ? 1 : 0; i < node['indent']; ++i) { o.push('|   '); } else { o.push(this.imgBlank); o.push('" alt="   " height="20" width="20" />'); } } o.push(this._setNodeToggle(nodeId)); if (this.options['multiline']) { o.push(''); } o.push(this._setLabel(nodeId)); if (this.options['multiline']) { o.push('
'); } o.push('
'); ++column; if (typeof(node['extra']) != 'undefined' && typeof(node['extra'][1]) != 'undefined') { var extra = node['extra'][1]; for (var c = 0; c < extra.length; ++c) { o.push('
'); o.push(extra[c]); o.push('
'); ++column; } for (var d = c; d < extraColsRight; ++d) { o.push('
'); ++column; } } else { for (var c = 0; c < extraColsRight; ++c) { o.push('
'); ++column; } } o.push('
'); } Horde_Tree.prototype._setLabel = function(nodeId) { var node = this.nodes[nodeId]; var label = []; if (node['url']) { label.push(''); label.push(this._setNodeIcon(nodeId)); label.push(node['label']); label.push(''); } else { label.push(''); label.push(this._setNodeIcon(nodeId)); label.push(node['label']); label.push(''); } return label.join(''); } Horde_Tree.prototype._setNodeToggle = function(nodeId) { var node = this.nodes[nodeId]; var attrib = ''; if (node['indent'] == '0' && typeof(node['children']) != 'undefined') { // Top level with children. this.dropline[0] = false; if (this.renderStatic) { return ''; } else { attrib = ' style="cursor:pointer" onclick="' + this._instanceName + '.toggle(\'' + nodeId.toString().replace(/'/, "\\'") + '\')"'; } } else if (node['indent'] != '0' && typeof(node['children']) == 'undefined') { // Node no children. if (this.node_pos[nodeId]['pos'] < this.node_pos[nodeId]['count']) { // Not last node. this.dropline[node['indent']] = true; } else { this.dropline[node['indent']] = false; } } else if (typeof(node['children']) != 'undefined') { // Node with children. if (this.node_pos[nodeId]['pos'] < this.node_pos[nodeId]['count']) { // Not last node. this.dropline[node['indent']] = true; } else { // Last node. this.dropline[node['indent']] = false; } if (!this.renderStatic) { attrib = ' style="cursor:pointer" onclick="' + this._instanceName + '.toggle(\'' + nodeId.toString().replace(/'/, "\\'") + '\')"'; } } else { // Top level node with no children. if (this.renderStatic) { return ''; } this.dropline[0] = false; } var nodeToggle = this._getNodeToggle(nodeId); var img = []; img.push(''); return img.join(''); } Horde_Tree.prototype._getNodeToggle = function(nodeId) { var node = this.nodes[nodeId]; var nodeToggle = ['', '']; if (node['indent'] == '0' && typeof(node['children']) != 'undefined') { // Top level with children. if (this.renderStatic) { return nodeToggle; } else if (!this.options['lines']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgBlank; nodeToggle[1] = '   ' } else if (node['expanded']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgMinusOnly; nodeToggle[1] = '-'; } else { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgPlusOnly; nodeToggle[1] = '+'; } } else if (node['indent'] != '0' && typeof(node['children']) == 'undefined') { // Node no children. if (this.node_pos[nodeId]['pos'] < this.node_pos[nodeId]['count']) { // Not last node. if (this.options['lines']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgJoin; nodeToggle[1] = '|-'; } else { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgBlank; nodeToggle[1] = '   '; } } else { // Last node. if (this.options['lines']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgJoinBottom; nodeToggle[1] = '`-'; } else { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgBlank; nodeToggle[1] = '   '; } } } else if (typeof(node['children']) != 'undefined') { // Node with children. if (this.node_pos[nodeId]['pos'] < this.node_pos[nodeId]['count']) { // Not last node. if (!this.options['lines']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgBlank; nodeToggle[1] = '   '; } else if (this.renderStatic) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgJoin; nodeToggle[1] = '|-'; } else if (node['expanded']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgMinus; nodeToggle[1] = '-'; } else { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgPlus; nodeToggle[1] = '+'; } } else { // Last node. if (!this.options['lines']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgBlank; nodeToggle[1] = ' '; } else if (this.renderStatic) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgJoinBottom; nodeToggle[1] = '`-'; } else if (node['expanded']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgMinusBottom; nodeToggle[1] = '-'; } else { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgPlusBottom; nodeToggle[1] = '+'; } } } else { // Top level node with no children. if (this.renderStatic) { return nodeToggle; } if (this.options['lines']) { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgNullOnly; nodeToggle[1] = '  '; } else { nodeToggle[0] = this.imgBlank; nodeToggle[1] = '   '; } } return nodeToggle; } Horde_Tree.prototype._setNodeIcon = function(nodeId) { var node = this.nodes[nodeId]; var img = [] img.push('');
        img.push(' '); return img.join(''); } Horde_Tree.prototype.toggle = function(nodeId) { var node = this.nodes[nodeId]; node['expanded'] = !node['expanded']; if (node['expanded']) { if (children = document.getElementById('nodeChildren_' + nodeId)) { children.style.display = 'block'; } } else { if (children = document.getElementById('nodeChildren_' + nodeId)) { children.style.display = 'none'; } } // Toggle the node's icon if it has seperate open and closed // icons. if (typeof node['iconopen'] != 'undefined') { var icon = document.getElementById('nodeIcon_' + nodeId); if (icon) { var src = []; // Image directory. if (typeof(node['icondir']) != 'undefined') { if (node['icondir']) { src.push(node['icondir']); src.push('/'); } } else if (this.imgDir) { src.push(this.imgDir); src.push('/'); } // Image. if (typeof(node['icon']) != 'undefined') { if (node['expanded']) { src.push(node['iconopen']); } else { src.push(node['icon']); } } else { // Use standard icon set. src.push((node['expanded']) ? this.imgFolderOpen : this.imgFolder); } icon.src = src.join(''); } } // If using alternating row shading, work out correct shade. if (this.options['alternate']) { this.stripe(); } nodeToggle = this._getNodeToggle(nodeId); if (toggle = document.getElementById('nodeToggle_' + nodeId)) { toggle.src = this.imgDir + '/' + nodeToggle[0]; toggle.alt = nodeToggle[1]; } this.saveState(nodeId, node['expanded']) } Horde_Tree.prototype.stripe = function() { // The element to start striping. var id = arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.target; // The flag we'll use to keep track of whether the current row is // odd or even. var even = arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : false; // Obtain a reference to the tree parent element. var tree = document.getElementById(id); if (!tree) { return even; } // Iterate over each child div. for (var i = 0; i < tree.childNodes.length; ++i) { var _node = tree.childNodes[i]; if (_node.id.indexOf('nodeChildren') != -1) { if (this.nodes[_node.id.toString().replace('nodeChildren_', '')]['expanded']) { even = this.stripe(_node.id, even); } } else { _node.className = _node.className.replace(new RegExp(' ?rowEven ?'), ''); _node.className = _node.className.replace(new RegExp(' ?rowOdd ?'), ''); if (_node.className) { _node.className += even ? ' rowEven' : ' rowOdd'; } else { _node.className = even ? 'rowEven' : 'rowOdd'; } // Flip from odd to even, or vice-versa. even = !even; } } return even; } Horde_Tree.prototype.saveState = function(nodeId, expanded) { var newCookie = ''; var oldCookie = this._getCookie(this._instanceName + '_expanded'); if (expanded) { // Expand requested so add to cookie. newCookie = (oldCookie) ? oldCookie + ',' : ''; newCookie = newCookie + nodeId; } else { // Collapse requested so remove from cookie. var nodes = oldCookie.split(','); var newNodes = []; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if (nodes[i] != nodeId) { newNodes[newNodes.length] = nodes[i]; } } newCookie = newNodes.join(','); } this._setCookie(this._instanceName + '_expanded', newCookie); } Horde_Tree.prototype._getCookie = function(name) { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = name + '=exp'; var begin = dc.indexOf('; ' + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin != 0) { return ''; } } else { begin += 2; } var end = document.cookie.indexOf(';', begin); if (end == -1) { end = dc.length; } return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)); } Horde_Tree.prototype._setCookie = function(name, value) { var curCookie = name + '=exp' + escape(value); curCookie += ';DOMAIN=webmail.voicenet.com;PATH=/;'; document.cookie = curCookie; } Horde_Tree.prototype._correctWidthForScrollbar = function() { }