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Astronomy Magazine
14 minutes ago

View Mars' striking surface features tonight now that the Red Planet's global dust storm is finally dying down.

On Mars, the planet wide dust storm is abating, so surface features are once again within reach of a 6-inch or larger telescope. During moments of good seeing, Mars resolves into a patchwork of dark

Could we survive without our planet? If so, what would it take?

Leaving Earth means learning how to produce necessities like food, water, and oxygen.
Astronomy Magazine
2 hours ago

Mars' planet-wide dust storm is finally dying down, so the Red Planet's striking surface features are once again on full display.

Peer at the planets, catch some constellations, and seek out the lunar seas in the sky this week.
Astronomy Magazine
3 hours ago

Are you ready to experience totality again? Join us for the 2019 total solar eclipse in Chile on a trip that includes La Serena, Machu Picchu, and Lima, Peru.

Astronomy Magazine
6 hours ago

Want to learn how to make stunning sky panoramas? Astrophotographer Matt Dieterich is offering a 90-minute panorama tutorial and 8 RAW images to work with - and Astronomy is offering $20 off! Visit our site for your exclusive discount code.

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