Well the obvious OPEC conspiracy has been their
willful restraint of oil production (peak oil theorists where are you?) in order
to gouge their customers. However this is, what I
believe, only a portion of the story. The other not so obvious part is there are
a lot of energy sources out there! And with grossly jacked up prices, It makes a
lot of these sources economically feasible to obtain; that is effective
competition to OPEC! Well why aren't we getting these other resources??? What's
keeping these resources locked up and in the ground providing NO EFFECTIVE
I point to the so called (And largely self
appointed) "Environmental Movement". Isn't it an interesting coincidence that
the so called "Environmental movement" appeared in force (quite appropriately on
Lenin's Birthday in 1972) just before the first Arab oil embargo which the so
called "Environmental Movement" demanded unleaded gasoline be produced which of
course required more crude oil to produce. Ever since this embargo it has been
the very effective so called "Environmental movement" which has:
1.) Brought to a complete halt the growth of the
Nuclear power industry
2.) Prevented exploration for oil on the outer
continental shelf outside he current range in the Gulf of Mexico
3.) Prevented development of the 3 TRILLION barrels
of oil shale (Actually kerogen very similar to crude oil)
4.) Made it next to impossible to significantly
expand coal production
5.) Prevented the liquefaction of coal into liquid
6.) Prevented development of KNOWN reserves in
north east Alaska (with the exception of Prudhoe Bay and the TAP)
7.) Prevented expansion of oil refining
8.) Locked up large and high quality deposit of
Coal in Utah
9.) Made it difficult to drill for natural gas in
the continental US
Well who has benefited from all of this activity by
the so called "Environmental Movement"?
Why it certainly has benefited OPEC
hasn't it?
Now for my additional OPEC conspiracy, isn't at
least plausible that the so called
"Environmental movement" is financed and directed by OPEC for the sole purpose
of getting the price of oil up and keeping it up????