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Page Table of Contents for Bering Strait Crossing Proposals/ Misc. Extreme Engineering

Bering Stait Crossing Introduction

Russia’s Insane Plan To Build A Superhighway To America

2022 Building a bridge or a tunnel across the Bering Strait from Russia to USA has been in the talks for years. With Russia and China now considering the megaproject, it may soon become a reality. If built, it would be a long bridge crossing the ocean or an underwater highway tunnel, along with an underwater railway. Join us today as we explore this megaproject and all its incredible details. For more Construction & Megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Billion Dollar Builds. Thanks for watching this video. #megaprojects #construction #engineering 0:00 Intro 0:40 Crossing The Bering Strait 2:08 Ideas Proposed For A Bridge Or Tunnel 5:09 Challenges For Construction 7:13 How Will The World Change With This Project? ► For business related matters relating to our channel (including media & advertising) please contact: Please note, the videos published on this channel fall under the remits of Fair Use. For the purpose of educating viewers on topics of construction, engineering and architecture, our team produces well-researched, authentic and unique content, aligning with YouTube policies and guidelines. ► Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. For any copyright related matters, please contact:

Is the world ready for a Bering Strait rail link between Alaska and Russia?

An undated satellite image shows the Bering Strait, with Chukotka, in Russia, on the left, and Alaska, in the United States, on the right. Will a bridge or tunnel ever carry rail traffic across the strait? (NASA) Proposals for a bridge or tunnel linking Eurasia and North American via the Bering Strait have cropped up for more than a century. Are the latest plans any more plausible than previous ones?

Russia’s Plan To Construct A Superhighway to Alaska

Russia’s Plan To Construct A Superhighway to Alaska ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are plans for Russia to build a superhighway from Russia to the US. Russia's Superhighway will be 12,400 miles long. It will connect Russia with Alaska (USA). It is also known as the ICL-world Link (Intercontinental Link). Oil, natural gas, and passengers will be delivered from Russia to the United States through This Highway. To learn more about Russia's SuperHighway, stay tuned with us until the end of the video. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Any Business Related Concerns Regarding our Channel For (Advertising & Media) Please Contact us at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please know that the videos which are posted on this channel are under fair use. Our Team produces carefully researched, authentic, and original content in accordance with YouTube regulations and guidelines with the common goal to educate and share value with our viewers on topics that are related to innovation, construction, architecture, engineering, and design. #megaprojects #Russiatousa #superhighway #construction #trend

1958 T.Y. Ling The first propasal

In 1958, T.Y. Lin introduces the concept of constructing a bridge across the Bering Strait, known as the Intercontinental Peace Bridge.

(Proposed) Interstate A2 Approaching Wales AK.
Here the approach road in Wales(AK) is heated geothermally to keep it clear.

General overview map of the Bering Strait Project

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Russia's SECRET Bridge to America

s Russia building a secret bridge to Alaska? If you like this content, please consider subscribing, as we can be your one stop shop to satisfy your mega projects, construction, and futuristic architecture needs! We have all the scoops on the world's latest engineering projects from skyscrapers to massive buildings and everything else! ► For business related matters relating to our channel (including media & advertising) please contact: Please note, the videos published on this channel fall under the remits of Fair Use. I educate viewers on such topics as, but are not limited to: construction, engineering and architecture, and I produce well-researched and unique content, with MY OWN COMMENTARY, that aligns with YouTube policies and guidelines. ► Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. For any copyright related matters, please contact:

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And here are the WEBSITES!

The new Inter Bering Project!

And latest from Walter Hickenlooper!


The Web site for The Bering project....

The Summit Bridge Proposal

Trans Global Highway proposal which includes the Bering Stait Bridge!

Here is An article from the asme

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Bering Strait Crossing Imagery

Artist conception of the approach corridor to the Bering Strait Crossing

Artist Conception Rail portal on the alaska Side

	  Artist's conceptual view of the proposed Bering Strait Railway Tunnel between Wales, Alaska, USA 
	  and Uelen, Chukotka, Russia.  Copyright 2002 J. Craig Thorpe.

	  Artist's Concept from 1994

	  Another Artist's conceptual view of the proposed Bering Strait Railway Tunnel between Wales, Alaska, USA 
	  and Uelen, Chukotka, Russia.  Copyright 2002 J. Craig Thorpe.

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And a Possible Future??????

Russia’s Extreme Plan To Build A Mega-Highway To USA

Biggest Megaprojects: Russia’s Extreme Plan To Build A Mega-Highway To USA Building a bridge from Russia to the USA across the Bering Strait would be an enormous task. The Bering Strait is 83 kilometres wide and has a maximum depth of only 50 meters. This would be a significant project and estimates place it at cost between $65 billion to $105 billion. It would be a massive undertaking but could provide immense benefits to both Russia and the USA if implemented. Be sure to subscribe to our channel: / @extremeprojects Thanks for watching everyone! If you like megaprojects, megacities, and extreme construction projects be sure to subscribe to our channel. We've got a bunch of cool content that we are sure you will love. Enjoy!

Could this be the website of a Future BERING STRAIT BRIDGE??

Possible Future aerial image of the Bering Strait Bridge???

Artist conception of the Bering Strait Bridge at Night

Yet additional proposals for a Bridge system

(Proposed)Big Diomede Island Biosphere Interchange with Greenhouse Farms. ©2016, The Kirchman Studio, all rights reserved — at Big Diomede.

(Proposed) The Diomedes Islands from Space. ©2016, The Kirchman Studio, all rights reserved — at Big Diomede.

(Proposed) Approach to The Diomedes Islands ©2016, The Kirchman Studio, all rights reserved — at Big Diomede.

Proposed Alaskan Terminal for the Bering Strait Bridge

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Instead of a Bridge, how about a Tunnel?

The Quadrail Proposal

Bering Strait Tunnel project

Tunnel Plan from

Artist Conception of Underwater TBM working on a Bering Strait Tunnel?

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Drawings of the winner of the recent contest
to design a Bering Strait Crossing!!!!!

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Italy's $5BN Battle To Build The World's Longest Suspension Bridgex


views Feb 5, 2024 The strait of messina bridge aims to be the longest suspension bridge in the world, connecting Sicily with mainland Italy. How do you build one of the biggest bridges in the world in harsh conditions and what is the insane engineering behind The strait of messina bridge?

Italy Is Building The WORLD’S LONGEST Suspension Bridge

The division between Sicily and mainland Italy has contributed to the development of the cultures and economies of the two lands for centuries. Still, it also came with a massive problem: a significant disconnect in travel and transportation. china,world project,world,project,Xinjiang,Chinese government,United States of America,Li Keqiang,Xi Jinping,investing, infrastructure,chinese transportation,economic development,chinese engineering,china constructions,government, china mega project,mega project,billion,investment,construction,chinese construction,challenge, chinese technique,chinese transportation history,china infrastructure,china space station,mega construction,china space, megaprojects,

What Will the Messina Strait Bridge look like? 3D reconstruction from original blueprints

The Messina Strait Bridge, spanning approximately two miles (3,300 meters), is poised to become the longest suspension bridge in the world. It is a much-debated infrastructure as it is a remarkable engineering marvel. The infrastructure is designed to serve as a road link between Sicily and Calabria, facilitating the crossing of the Messina Strait, connecting the cities of Messina and Villa San Giovanni. In this video, the Strait of Messina Bridge has been reconstructed in 3D using the original designs. Our aim is to provide you with a neutral and analytical understanding of its concrete aspects, while leaving aside the political and economic aspects. Through unprecedented 3D images, we will showcase the Bridge from a structural perspective and describe the construction phases that are planned to take place once the executive project is approved – a process that is still ongoing today.

Italy's $12.7BN Bridge to Sicily

Italy is planning to build the World’s Longest Suspension Bridge connecting the island of Sicily to the Italian mainland! For more skyscraper & megaproject content make sure to subscribe to MegaBuilds! 0:00 Italy's $12.7BN Bridge to Sicily 0:40 Sicily 1:59 Past Proposals for Bridges 3:24 Strait of Messina Bridge 6:30 Why this Bridge was Canceled 7:51 Fault Line & Earthquakes 9:06 Wind 10:17 The Mafia #megaprojects #construction #sicily -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alternative progettuali dell'attraversamento stabile dello Stretto di Messina

Legislative Decree 18 April 2016, n. 50 of the Public Procurement Code (latest updates: law no. 91 of 15 July 2022 and law no. 122 of 4 August 2022) establishes in article 3 (Definitions), paragraph 1, point ggggg-quater) that the «feasibility document of the design alternatives», the document in which the possible alternative design solutions are identified and analyzed and in which the evaluation of each alternative is given, from a qualitative point of view, also in environmental terms, as well as from a technical and economic. This obligation was reaffirmed by the D.L. 31 March 2023 n. 36 (art. 1, 37 paragraph 2, art. 40 paragraph 3, attachment i7, etc.) In compliance with the laws in force, therefore, it would be necessary to have the set of works to be carried out evaluated by qualified international bodies of clear renown, at least in the following cases: 0) zero option 1) Suspension bridge with a single span of 3300 m 2) Multi-span suspension bridge 3) Road suspension bridge and high-speed railway submarine tunnel 4) High-speed road and railway submarine tunnels In all four cases, of course, the project must include both the stable crossing of the Strait and the high-speed motorway and railway connections to be built on both the Calabria and Sicily sides, from Gioia Tauro to Messina, taking care to choose the routes in all cases road and rail as short as possible. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Il Decreto legislativo 18 aprile 2016, n. 50 Codice dei contratti pubblici (ultimi aggiornamenti: legge 15 luglio 2022, n. 91 e della legge 4 agosto 2022, n. 122) stabilisce all’articolo 3 (Definizioni), comma 1, punto ggggg-quater) che deve essere predisposto il «documento di fattibilità delle alternative progettuali», il documento in cui sono individuate ed analizzate le possibili soluzioni progettuali alternative ed in cui si dà conto della valutazione di ciascuna alternativa, sotto il profilo qualitativo, anche in termini ambientali, nonché sotto il profilo tecnico ed economico. Tale obbligo è stato ribadito dal D.L. 31 marzo 2023 n. 36 (art. 1, 37 comma 2, art. 40 comma 3, allegato i7, ecc.) Nel rispetto delle Leggi vigenti, quindi, bisognerebbe fare valutare l’insieme delle opere da realizzare almeno nei seguenti casi: 0) Opzione zero 1) Ponte sospeso ad una campata da 3300 m 2) Ponte sospeso a più campate 3) Ponte sospeso stradale e tunnel sottomarino ferroviario AV 4) Tunnel sottomarini stradali e ferroviari AV In tutti e quattro i casi naturalmente il progetto deve comprendere sia l’attraversamento stabile dello Stretto che i raccordi autostradali e ferroviari AV da realizzare sia lato Calabria che lato Sicilia, da Gioia Tauro a Messina, avendo cura di scegliere in tutti i casi i tracciati stradali e ferroviari più brevi possibili. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Festival dello sviluppo sostenibile 2021 - Lunedì 11 Ottobre 2021 L’attraversamento stabile dello stretto di Messina: presentazione del nuovo Quaderno 32 Aldai - le alternative sostenibili Youtube Aldai / @aldai-federmanager1364 Rivista digitale Federmanager Sito web Collegio ingegneri ferroviari italiani (CIFI) L’attraversamento stabile dello Stretto di Messina (PDF) Unità d’Italia 2.0: un tunnel anche per il “nostro” Stretto di Messina per portare l’Alta Velocità fino in Sicilia, Simone Schmalzbauer, Managing Director, TimecoSrl (Rappresentante Italia Herrenknecht AG); Tunnel Builder Unità d’Italia 2.0: un tunnel anche per il “nostro” Stretto di Messina per portare l’Alta Velocità fino in Sicilia (PDF) Video correlati, relative note e documenti linkati da consultare per approfondimenti sul tema in oggetto: •Stretto di Messina: Ipotesi di ponte sospeso a doppio piano con quello inferiore protetto dai venti Ipotesi di massima di ponte ibrido a più campate (tipo H.R.S.B.) nello stretto di Messina P.S. Il 29-12-2022 è stato pubblicato il Supplemento ordinario n. 43/L alla GAZZETTA UFFICIALE Serie generale - n. 303 ovvero la LEGGE 29 dicembre 2022, n. 197. Bilancio di previsione dello Stato per l’anno finanziario 2023 e bilancio pluriennale per il triennio 2023-2025. (PDF) Vedi commi da 487 a 493 pag. 96

Engineering The World's Longest Suspension Bridge Explained

The Strait of Messina Bridge, once complete, will become the longest single-span suspension bridge. This ambitious project will take 6 years to complete and aims to connect Sicily to mainland Italy and Europe. However, this project has its own unique challenges; the bridge will be subject to high winds and earthquakes that have never been witnessed at a bridge site before. From the design to the construction process, we will uncover the fascinating details behind this ambitious project. Whether you're a bridge enthusiast, an engineering student, or simply curious about large-scale infrastructure, this video will provide you with a captivating insight into the world of civil engineering. Don't miss out on this in-depth look at the Strait of Messina Bridge and the marvels of modern engineering!

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Dream Bridge Italy's Strait of Messina '

Italy’s ambitious $12.7 billion Messina Strait Bridge aims to connect the mainland to Sicily, creating the world’s longest suspension bridge at over 3,300 meters. This engineering marvel promises to enhance connectivity, boost trade and tourism, and modernize infrastructure, while overcoming significant challenges such as seismic activity, strong currents, and environmental concerns. Balancing innovation and tradition, the project symbolizes Italy’s determination to transform a centuries-old vision into a modern reality.



Building the Longest Arctic Bridge: The Hålogaland Suspension Marvel | Blueprint

This episode follows an international team of engineers and construction workers as they attempt to build the longest suspension bridge within the Arctic Circle. The giant 276-million-pound Hålogaland Bridge will cross the stunning Rombak Fjord, providing safer, faster access to the north of the country from the busy industrial city of Narvik. Subscribe to Blueprint: Building Giants follows the race to build the world’s next generation of engineering wonders - structures that are more ambitious and more advanced than anything seen before. Seven action-packed episodes track the tension and drama as engineers push technology to its limits, and strive to construct new marvels for the modern age. This film was first broadcast: 2018 Watch More Documentaries True Lives - Our History - Our World - Our Stories - Taste - Up Close - Crime Up Close - Discover the best science, technology, and engineering shows. Explore amazing experiments, groundbreaking inventions, and the secrets behind incredible builds. Ignite your curiosity! Content distributed by ITV Studios.

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Mega Telescopes

Optical Telescopes

Construction Begins On Earth's Largest $2 BILLION Mega Telescope

Construction Begins On Earth's Largest $2 BILLION Mega Telescope In the Atacama Desert of Chile, a team of individuals is actively engaged in the construction of the largest telescope in the world. This vast project unfolds in a remote setting, disconnected from the rest of the world, with remarkable statistics and implications. The purpose of this telescope is to propel our understanding of the cosmos, potentially uncovering signs of life on other celestial bodies. Today let’s embark on a journey to explore the mysteries beyond earth, facilitated by the extremely large telescope. For more Mega Construction & Megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Billion Dollar Builds. Thanks for watching this video. #megaprojects #construction #engineering 0:00 Intro 1:06 Location of the Telescope 3:58 Origins of ELT 5:41 Unique Features 7:13 Extraordinary Dimensions 9:14 Breakthroughs 10:41 Other Gigantic Telescopes ► For business related matters relating to our channel (including media & advertising) please contact: Please note, the videos published on this channel fall under the remits of Fair Use. For the purpose of educating viewers on topics of construction, engineering and architecture, our team produces well-researched, authentic and unique content, aligning with YouTube policies and guidelines. ► Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. For any copyright related matters, please contact:

Move over JWST! 5 new telescopes to get excited for

The James Webb Space Telescope might be getting all the media attention right now, but there's 5 more BIG astronomical observatories to look forward to in the next 5 years (from 2024) 00:00 - Introduction 00:38 - Extremely Large Telescope (ELT + TMT, GMT) 03:40 - Euclid Space Telescope 05:12 - Square Kilometre Array (SKA) 07:52 - Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) 09:41 - Vera C. Rubin Observatory (VRO) 12:49 - List of all five 13:16 - Bloopers Find out more about the ELT from @ESOobservatory : Find out more about Euclid from @EuropeanSpaceAgency : Find out more about the SKA from @SKAObservatory : Find out more about @NationalSolarObservatory's DKIST: Find out more about @NSFScience's Vera C. Rubin Observatory: --- 👕 Check out my merch here: --- :📚 "Space: 10 Things You Should Know" 📚 US & Canada version: "Space at the speed of light" (same book, different title, with some beautiful illustrations): --- 🎧 Royal Astronomical Society Podcast that I co-host: --- 🔔 Don't forget to subscribe and click the little bell icon to be notified when I post a new video! --- 👩🏽‍💻 I'm Dr. Becky Smethurst, an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford. I love making videos about science with an unnatural level of enthusiasm. I like to focus on how we know things, not just what we know. And especially, the things we still don't know. If you've ever wondered about something in space and couldn't find an answer online - you can ask me! My day job is to do research into how supermassive black holes can affect the galaxies that they live in. In particular, I look at whether the energy output from the disk of material orbiting around a growing supermassive black hole can stop a galaxy from forming stars. DR. BECKY SMETHURST ASTROPHYSICIST. SCIENCE COMMUNICATOR. AUTHOR. DR. BECKY SMETHURST ASTROPHYSICIST. SCIENCE COMMUNICATOR. AUTHOR.

Giant Magellan Telescope at IMTS with Ingersoll Machine Tools

A giant mirror collects lights from the cosmos and suddenly allows mankind to travel to the dawn of existence Here's the story of the Giant Magellan Telescope initiative Music

Radio Telscopes

China’s Giant Leap: Unveiling the World’s Largest Radio Telescope!

China’s Giant Leap: Unveiling the World’s Largest Radio Telescope!” China has just delivered the first batch of antenna dishes for the Square Kilometer Array Observatory to South Africa, marking a significant milestone in the construction of the world's largest radio telescope array. This groundbreaking international project, involving over ten countries, aims to revolutionize our understanding of the universe by detecting signals from the farthest corners of space. These advanced dishes will help uncover cosmic mysteries, from the formation of galaxies to the search for extraterrestrial life. Reference : China delivers antennas for building the world's largest radio telescope array CHINA / SOCIETY

Space Telescopes

Megastructures?! Did NASA’s WISE Telescope Just Detect Dyson Spheres? This Changes Everything!

NASA’s WISE telescope has uncovered signals that could indicate either Dyson spheres—alien megastructures—or cosmic 'Hot DOGs'—galaxies obscured by dust. This discovery has stirred excitement and debate in the scientific community. Are we seeing signs of advanced civilizations, or is it a new galactic phenomenon? Join us as we break down the mystery and what this could mean for space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:31 The WISE Discovery – Dyson Sphere or Hot Dogs? 02:46 The Science Behind Dyson Spheres 04:53 Similar Mysteries in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life 07:01 Outro 07:11 Enjoy MUSIC TITLE : Starlight Harmonies MUSIC LINK :

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Mega transportation corridors

Mexico's $4.5BN Gamble To Rival The Panama Canal

The Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, is a $4.5BN mega project aimed at rivalling the Panama Canal. This aims to re-route global shipping trade and is a colossal giga project, what is the insane engineering behind this project and will it be a success?

This Mexico's New $4.5 Billion Corridor Project will End Panama Canal.

Mexico is hard at work on a massive development project that the country's president hopes will rival the Panama Canal. It won't be just another waterway, but when it's finished, the Interoceanic Corridor will connect ports on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Mexico in numerous ways. President Andres Manuel López Obrador is looking to the U.S. for support on the project. But Indigenous communities are fighting the decision. So, will the Panama Canal's dominance finally come to a halt? Let's find out more! But Before we jump right in, if you haven't yet subscribed to our channel, kindly do so by clicking the Like button, Subscribe icon below and don't forget to share. Let's get it on! #engineering #megaprojects #construction

A land bridge divide: Southern Thailand's mega-project

As the Thai government pushes hard for a land bridge for ships to bypass the Malacca Strait, CNA's Jack Board went to the area to find out how the mega-project could affect local people and the environment. Read more: Subscribe to our channel here: Subscribe to our news service for must-read stories: Telegram WhatsApp Follow us: CNA: Asia CNA Lifestyle: Facebook: / channelnewsasia Instagram: / channelnewsasia Twitter: / channelnewsasia TikTok: / channelnewsasia

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India is Building One of the Largest Airports in the World! (NAVI MUMBAI)

✨Welcome to the channel "Ultimate Mega Builds"✨ Embark on a journey of innovation and transformation with the Na'vi Mumbai International Airport! 🌟 Envisioned by Zaha Hadid Architects, this mega-project promises to reshape India's aviation landscape and become a beacon of progress. Join us as we delve into the captivating details of this architectural marvel, from its groundbreaking initiation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to its current state and future plans. Discover how this airport, set to accommodate 60 million passengers annually by 2032, is not just a transportation hub but a catalyst for economic growth. 📈 From job creation to entrepreneurial opportunities, witness firsthand the ripple effects it's already creating in Mumbai's real estate market and local development. Learn about the strategic connections it offers, including the Mumbai-Hyderabad High-Speed Rail line, ensuring seamless travel experiences for millions. 🚄 Explore the economic vitality it brings, with prospects for thriving businesses, enhanced infrastructure, and a vibrant metropolitan area around Na'vi Mumbai. Be part of this exciting journey towards progress and prosperity. Hit the like button, subscribe for more insightful content, and share your thoughts on the boundless possibilities of Na'vi Mumbai International Airport in the comments below! ✈️🏙️ ⏰CHAPTERS⏰ ► 0:00 CAN AN AIRPORT EVOLVE INTO A TRAVEL DESTINATION? 0:40 WILL INDIA BE ABLE TO SEE THIS PROJECT TO THE END? AND WHY IS THIS AIRPORT SO IMPORTANT TO THE COUNTRY? 2:25 CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. 3:55 WHAT IS THE COST OF THE NAVI MUMBAI AIRPORT PROJECT? 5:12 WHAT IS THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE AIRPORT? 7:08 HOW WILL THE NEW AIRPORT IMPACT THE ECONOMY? ✅ Follow me on social media ► 💠Instagram: / ultimate_mega_builds 💠YouTube: / @ultimatemegabuilds 📧📧 For business inquiries: 🚫 Disclaimer: Don't Try To Download & Copy Anything From This Channel. It's a Cyber Crime. All Videos on this Channel are Copyrighted by “Ultimate Mega Builds”.🚫 💖Thank you for watching this video, 👇 click the "🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴" button to stay connected with this channel. 💖💚 🔗Subscription Link: / @ultimatemegabuilds Enjoy the video, and may your life be filled with joy and be well! ✨ #ultimatemegabuilds #navimumbaiairport #airportdevelopment #economictransformation #zahahadidarchitects #indianaviation #highspeedrail #megaprojects #indianeconomy #jobcreation #realestateboom #urbandevelopment #innovation #progress #prosperity #travel #architecture #construction #future #infrastructure #entrepreneurship #socialimpact #india #technology #transportation #aviation #urbanization #investment #development #sustainable #community #connectivity #dreams #opportunity #success #inspiration #megaproject #leadership #vision #dreambig #achievement #growth #globalization

India is BUILDING one of the world's largest airports! (NODIA)

India is building one of the world's largest airports! Noida International Airport is one step closer to becoming the largest airport in Asia and India. With millions of passengers annually, Jewar International Airport is set to be the biggest in both regions. The construction is ongoing, and the opening date is fast approaching. Stay with us in this video as we explore the latest updates and progress at Jewar International Airport. For more skyscraper & megaproject content make sure to subscribe to Supreme Projects! #Megaproject #airport #airplane #passenger #India #Noida Keywords Noida international airport Jewar airport Asia's largest airport Jewar airport update Biggest mega projects Airport Largest airport Noida International Airport Jewar International Airport Jewar Airport Noida International Greenfield Airport in Jewar Greater Noida Jewar Airport Noida Airport Noida International Airport Jewar Jewar Airport in India Jewar International Airport Update Jewar Airport News Jewar International Airport Construction Jewar Airport Latest News Noida International Airport News Noida International Airport Update Jewar Airport Construction ► For business-related matters relating to our channel (including media & advertising) please contact: (E-MAIL) ► Please note, that the videos published on this channel fall under the remits of Fair Use. To educate viewers on topics of construction, engineering, and architecture, our team produces well-researched, authentic, and unique content, that aligns with YouTube policies and guidelines. ► Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. ► For any copyright-related matters, please contact: (E-MAIL)


Sydney's New $2.7BN Mega Airport

Sydney is constructing a new Mega Airport, The Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport. This mega project plans to be one of the largest airports in Asia and comes at a heavy engineering cost to Australia. Today we explore some of the insane engineering behind the mega airport and see how it will transform travel to Sydne


A Closer Look: Dubai's Al Maktoum Airport megaproject announcement

At the weekend, it was announced that Dubai's Al Maktoum International Airport will be undergoing an expansion so huge that it will become the largest operating airline hub in the world. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, posted on X to say that once complete, Al Maktoum International Airport will have "the world's largest capacity", serving up to 260 million passengers a year. The airport, spread across 70 square kilometres, will feature 400 aircraft gates, five parallel runways and new aviation technology. It will have the capacity to handle 12 million tonnes of cargo annually. __________________ All the latest news: Like us on Facebook: / the nationalnews Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: / the nationalnews Follow us on LinkedIn: / the

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Mega Dams

15 Biggest Mega Dams on Earth

Dams are, by far, the largest and most impactful structures that we build. Designed to hold back vast volumes of water… whether it be for power generation, irrigation systems, water provision, or to reshape the landscape… dams are a vital part of our infrastructure. Join us for today's video, as we look at the 15 BIGGEST mega dams on Earth! #dam #dams #top15 Several segments are licensed under creative commons For more video information, please visit our website. The Top Fives show brings you informational and entertaining top five videos! Join us and subscribe for more. Follow Josh on Instagram! Founder and producer of the Top Fives show. Stay up to date with the channel and everything YouTube and business related! / joshuajosephbaker Follow us on Facebook! / topfivesyoutube Contact us via the email form here: Note: The videos featured on the Top Fives channel are for educational and informational purposes. If you have a good idea for a video, leave us a comment! We try to read each and every comment made.


The Grand INGA DAM

Congo's $80BN Mega Dam

Welcome to Ultimate Build YouTube Channel, Discover the potential of the mighty Congo River as we delve into the ambitious plan for the $80BN Grand Inga Dam! Join us in today's video as we examine this colossal mega-project and ponder its feasibility. Don't miss out on this fascinating exploration of hydro-power generation on one of the planet's largest rivers! #africa #megaprojects #construction #congo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► ✅ CHECK OUT OTHER ULTIMATE PROJECTS: Ethiopia Is Building Mega Projects Overtaking ALL East African Countries • Ethiopia Is Building Mega Projects Ov... ► Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:15 - The Heartbeat of Africa 2:47 - The Impossible Waterfall 4:30 - Turning the Tide 6:17 - Lighting Up Africa 7:47 - Flooding The Future 9:29 - Lighting the Heart of Darkness 11:00 - Outro 👍 Thank you very much for watching the video! We hope that you enjoyed our content! Please like, comment, and subscribe for more videos by Ultimate Build! 🔔 To Find more, check our channel below! - @Ultimate_Build ► Our channel's content is produced within the boundaries of Fair Use. We aim to educate our viewers on construction, engineering, and architecture through entertainment by researched, genuine, and original content, in accordance with YouTube's policies and guidelines. ► In our videos, we occasionally include clips from fellow creators for educational, entertainment, and research purposes under the Copyright Act of 1976, Section 107. If you wish to have your content removed from our videos, please reach out to us at (E-Mail), and we will promptly comply with your request. Thank you for your understanding! ► For collaboration or any questions regarding the video please email us at

Congo’s $80BN Proposal for the World's Largest Dam

Congo is considering building the largest hydropower station in the world, the Grand Inga Dam. The project, which would cost $80 billion USD and generate 40 GW of power, would sit along the Congo river just 220 kilometers from Kinshasa. If built, it would provide green power to millions of Africans, increasing the standard of living and positively affecting the environment. However, there are several issues with its construction. Currently, infrastructure and demand issues make it very impractical to build. Nevertheless, a smaller project could benefit the region and be worth building. And eventually, once the demand is in place, a Grand Inga Dam could finally come to fruition. If you enjoyed this video, please consider subscribing to Futurology for more similar content! Thank you to the following sources! Information Africa
With energy demand growing twice as fast as the global average, Africa has the opportunity to be the first continent
to develop its economy using renewable and efficient energy.
Is the Grand Inga Too Big to Build? TI-UP Enquiry: Hydro Potential of the Congo River (PDF) Power Africa in Democratic Republic of the Congo (USAID REPORT) Grand Inga Dam (From wikipedia) Current Inga dams (wikipedia) Grand Inga damCongo, the Democratic Republic of the (Banktrack report) Google search Grand Inga Dam Congo picks Australia's Fortescue to develop giant hydro project The Fantasy of the Grand Inga Hydroelectric Project on the River Congo (a Dissent) Audio Storyblocks Graphics Google Earth Storyblocks ---------Video Contents------------------- 00:00 - Intro 02:14 - Grand Inga 03:19 - Project Benefits 04:42 - Roadblocks 06:18 - Inga 3

Click here to jump to the expanded Wikipedia articles on the grand inga dam

Ethiopia's Game-Changing Mega Dam Will Solve Energy Crisis!

#hydroelectricity #gamechanging #africa ✨Welcome to the channel "Ultimate Mega Builds"✨ Discover the epic saga of Ethiopia's monumental $5 billion infrastructure marvel – the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam! 🏞️ This hydroelectric giant, poised along the majestic Blue Nile River, embodies Ethiopia's bold quest for energy independence and economic prowess. Dive deep into its story of innovation, controversy, and resilience as we unravel the engineering marvels, environmental considerations, and geopolitical tensions surrounding this ambitious endeavor. From its inception amidst political turmoil to its current status nearing completion, explore the transformative promise of this colossal project and its potential to revolutionize Ethiopia's energy landscape. 🌟 Join us on a captivating journey through turbulent waters, navigating the complexities of one of Africa's most ambitious infrastructure projects. Don't miss out – like, comment, and subscribe for more fascinating insights! 💬✨ ⏰CHAPTERS⏰ ► 0:00 GRAND ETHIOPIAN RENAISSANCE DAM 1:20 A LITTLE BIT OF BACKGROUND 2:36 THE DESIGN BETWEEN 2011 AND 2019 5:30 THE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7:12 HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? 8:05 WHAT ARE THE CONTROVERSIES SORROUNDING THE DAM? ✅ Follow me on social media ► 💠Instagram: / ultimate_mega_builds 💠YouTube: / @ultimatemegabuilds 📧 For business inquiries: 💖Thank you for watching this video, 👇 click the "🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴" button to stay connected with this channel. 💖💚 🔗Subscription Link: / @ultimatemegabuilds Enjoy the video, and may your life be filled with joy and be well! ✨ #ultimatemegabuilds #ethiopia #grandethiopianrenaissancedam #energy #bluenile #hydroelectricity #infrastructure #innovation #controversy #resilience #geopolitics #completion #revolutionize #landscape #africa #construction #epic #saga #engineeringmarvel #environmentalimpact #politicalturmoil #transformativepromise #colossalproject #gamechanging #ambition #insightfulcommentary #turbulentwaters #captivatingjourney #ambitiousendeavor #ultimatemegabuilds

Water & Power Unleashed: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam - Africa's Monumental Project

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China Announces New World's Largest Dam That Will Change The World Forever!

Dams play a critical role in managing water resources, serving as reservoirs for drinking water, agriculture, and industrial needs. They ensure a consistent water supply, particularly during dry periods, and many dams contribute to renewable energy production through hydropower facilities. By harnessing the energy generated as water passes through turbines, dams reduce reliance on fossil fuels and promote cleaner energy alternatives. Furthermore, dams regulate water flow, mitigating the risk of floods by storing excess water during heavy rainfall or snowmelt events, thus safeguarding downstream communities and infrastructure from potential flood damage. If You Like This Video; Like, Share, Comment And Subscribe. This Means A Lot To Us! Thanks For Watching Our Video: China Announces New World's Largest Dam That Will Change The World Forever!

Unveiling Africa's Mega-Energy Marvel! Grand Inga Hydro Project: $80B Game-Changer!

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to our channel. Today, we have an extraordinary topic to delve into – the Grand Inga Hydroelectric Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It's a colossal venture that promises to reshape Africa's energy landscape. So, grab your snacks, sit back, and let's dive deep into the world's largest proposed hydropower scheme. WATCH : Russia's Mega-Projects Unveiled - WATCH : China's Ambitious $62 Billion Water Transfer Project: Bridging Rivers for a Thirsty Nation - • China's Ambitious $62 Billion Water T... #facts #africa #dam #development #congo #poor #rich #hydroelectricpowerplant #billionaire #construction #water #watercrisis #china #knowledgefacts #megaprojects summary: Thank you for joining us on this in-depth exploration of the Grand Inga Dam project. If you found this video informative, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to our channel, and ring that notification bell for more updates. Until next time, stay informed, stay curious, and let's continue to unravel the stories that shape our world. See you in the next video! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to KNOWLEDGENEXA / @uczjwj9ltulhagcoykjpcjoa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- congo hydroelectric dam, megaprojects, construction, dam, dam construction, largest dam in the world, congo river, congo river rapids, inga falls, inga rapids, inga dam, grand inga dam, congo river dam, democratic republic of the congo, africa mega dam, congo mega dam, africa mega projects, biggest megaprojects in the world, biggest megaprojects in africa, africa, grand inga dam construction, grand inga project, hydroelectric dam, dr congo, worlds largest dam, drc, africa megaprojects,

Costing 250 billion, China's Xulong Hydropower achieves flow closure. Full operation effects?

The Xulong Hydropower Station in China, projected to cost 250 billion, has successfully closed its flow during construction. This power station, situated on the Jinsha River, will bring electricity to millions of households and signifies a major energy achievement. Once completed, it's estimated to generate roughly 10.5 billion kilowatt-hours annually, equivalent to saving 3.15 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 7.86 million tons. The station, built by Yangtze River Design Group, started in May 2004. An array of challenges faced due to its complex location was overcome through careful planning and tireless work of engineers. Ecological measures were taken to minimize environmental impact, completing a significant step in sustainable development. The Xulong Hydropower Station marks a profound impact on energy transformation and nature's protection.


World's Largest Mega Projects Under Construction In Australia That Cost $500 Billion

World's Largest Mega Projects Under Construction In Australia That Cost $500 Billion

Central Asia

Why the World’s Tallest Dam Is Taking Over 48 Years to Build | WSJ Breaking Ground

The Wall Street Journal tagged products below. Learn more WSJ Special Offer $1.00 The Rogun Dam in Tajikistan, set to be the world's tallest dam, could reshape Central Asia’s energy landscape. With the Russia-Ukraine War shifting geopolitics in the region, Tajikistan is gaining international support, moving closer to energy independence and reviving a Soviet-era power exchange system with its neighbors Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. WSJ explores what the Rogun Dam could mean for Tajikistan and how these changing regional dynamics are making the megaproject possible. Chapters: 0:00 The world’s tallest dam 0:59 Why Tajikistan wants the dam 2:35 Funding complications 4:05 Russia-Ukraine War impact Breaking Ground Breaking Ground digs into megaprojects around the world, uncovering what these developments might mean for the surrounding region and the ultimate costs.

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World’s LARGEST SEA Tunnel Infrastructure! (the Channel Tunnel)

#EngineeringMarvel #HighSpeedRail #Megaprojects Description: Discover the fascinating story of how the world’s longest sea tunnel, the Channel Tunnel, was built. Connecting the U.K. and France under the English Channel, this engineering marvel took over a century of planning, $15 billion, and the dedication of thousands to complete. From the technical challenges of boring through chalk marl 140 feet below the sea, to the risks and sacrifices involved, this video dives deep into the history, design, and impact of the Channel Tunnel. Learn how this project changed travel and trade between the U.K. and Europe forever. Please don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more fascinating content on the world’s greatest engineering feats! #ChannelTunnel #EngineeringMarvel #UnderseaTunnel #Eurotunnel #Megaprojects #Construction #EngineeringHistory #Eurostar #UKFranceConnection #SeaTunnel #HighSpeedRail #Tunneling

The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel

Europe World's Longest Mega-Tunnel Under Construction!

A once-in-a-generation construction project is set to transform travel between central Europe and Scandinavia. When completed in 2029, the $8 billion Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will be both the longest combined road and rail tunnel and the longest immersed tunnel anywhere in the world…but there is more… Before we jump right in, if you haven't yet subscribed to our channel, kindly do so by clicking the Like button, Subscribe icon below and don't forget to share. Let's get it on! #engineering #tunnel #construction

How Europe's Building the World's Longest Underwater Tunnel!

The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link is a new tunnel that finally spans the 18 kilometers of the Baltic Sea between Germany and Denmark—the Fehmarn Belt. Due to constraints, engineers opted for an immersed tube tunnel over a bridge or traditional bored tunnels to make the crossing happen. When completed, this will be the world's longest immersed tube tunnel by THREE TIMES. In this video, we explore the enormous $1B tunnel element factory, which is tasked with producing the 73,000+ ton concrete and steel tunnel elements. To learn more about the project, check out the fantastic project website here:

The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link website

Information on The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link website

Inside the $8.7BN Fehmarn Belt Tunnel: The World's Longest Underwater Connection

Discover the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, the world’s longest underwater road and rail tunnel. This $8.7 billion engineering marvel will connect Denmark and Germany, cutting travel time to just 7 minutes by train or 10 minutes by car. Learn how this colossal project, set to open in 2029, combines cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and innovative construction techniques to transform travel between Scandinavia and Central Europe. 💥 Unlock the shocking documentary on failed military projects for free—discover how billions were blown on tech fantasies that never took flight! Join our newsletter now and prepare to have your mind blown by the most astonishing financial fiascos in military history! 🤩 Enjoy our channel? Support us on Patreon to watch ad-free and access exclusive content! Visit / theimpossiblebuild Patreon 📖 Our Favorite Architecture & Engineering Books: Architectural Digest at 100: A Century of Style (Amazon) Atlas of Never Built Architecture (Amazon) Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (Amazon) -The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge (Amazon) Build your own World 🌉! Civilization Board Game (Amazon) 7 Wonders Board Game - Civilization Board Game (Amazon) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ▶️ OTHER INTERESTING VIDEOS: America’s Boldest Infrastructure Projects of 2024 Music 1 songs Rift Kooma Freefall (Mixt

Europe's Largest Marine Construction Project!

This is part two of our series exploring the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, Europe's newest underwater tunnel, which will aid in faster rail and vehicle traffic between Denmark and Germany. Once completed, the project will be the world's longest immersed tube tunnel! To learn more about the project, : check out part one here • How Europe's Building the World's Longest immersed tunnel<.A> In this video, we explore the dredging operation to accommodate the new tunnel, including the tunnel trench, land reclamation, and the construction of the work harbor. Two of the largest marine contractors—Boskalis and Van Oord—are on the scene making it happen. To learn more about the project, check out the project site here: How this content was made Auto-dubbed Audio tracks for some languages were automatically generated. Learn more

United States of America

Inside the $16 Billion Hudson River Tunnel: Engineering Marvel or Financial Burden?

Join us as we delve into the ambitious $16 billion Hudson River tunnel project, a colossal engineering endeavor that promises to reshape transportation on the East Coast. This video explores the history behind the tunnel, its importance for commuters, and the challenges faced during its construction. Discover the intricacies of this mega-project, from the innovative engineering solutions to the staggering costs involved. We'll discuss the benefits this tunnel will bring to transportation efficiency, environmental impact, and economic growth, while also examining the controversies and debates surrounding its funding. Get an exclusive look inside the construction process, featuring interviews with engineers, planners, and local officials. Whether you're a transportation enthusiast, a New Yorker, or simply curious about large-scale infrastructure, this video provides a comprehensive overview of the $16 billion Hudson River tunnel project. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content on groundbreaking infrastructure projects around the world! #HudsonRiverTunnel #Infrastructure #EngineeringMarvel #Transportation #NYC #Construction #TunnelProject #EastCoast

Japan/ South Korea

Japan's Crazy Project to Build a Tunnel to South Korea

It currently takes around 2 hours and 15 minutes to travel from Japan to Korea. But it could take just 50 minutes! How? By going under the sea. An undersea train tunnel from southern Japan to South Korea is a proposal that could bring some huge benefits to the region. The proposed tunnel would stretch for approximately 200 kilometers with around 140 kilometers being under the sea. This would easily make it the world’s longest underwater tunnel. Currently, the longest is the Channel Tunnel from England to France which has a 37-kilometer underwater section. Background Music: Kevin MacLeod - Impact Allegretto Kevin MacLeod - Decisions Kevin MacLeod - Echoes of Time

Korea and Japan's Hidden Undersea Mega Tunnel EXPOSED!

TSUSHIMA STRAIT Beneath the Korea Strait waters lies the proposed route for one of the most ambitious engineering projects in history—the Japan-Korea Tunnel. Join us to discover all the details about this unprecedented Mega Project.


Seikan Tunnel extends beneath the Tsugaru Strait—connecting Aomori Prefecture on the main Japanese island of Honshu with the northern island of Hokkaido. This is a valuable record of the long-running project from the beginning of exploratory excavation in 1964 to the first train operating in 1988. 47min. Produced in 1989. Presented by : Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (Current name : JRTT) Produced by : H.B.C Motion Picture Co., Ltd. (Current name : HBC FLEX Co., Ltd.) 鉄道・運輸機構(JRTT)の前身である日本鉄道建設公団が、本州と北海道を結ぶ、当時世界最長の海底トンネルの掘進に果敢に挑んだ工事記録映像「青函トンネル」。 今から約60年前の1964(昭和39)年の掘進開始から、1988(昭和63)年の開業までの記録を英語版にて、世界に向けて発信します。47分。平成元年制作。 「青函トンネル」日本語版: • 青函トンネル【JRTT鉄道・運輸機構】 企画 日本鉄道建設公団(現名称 鉄道・運輸機構) 制作 北海道放送映画株式会社(現名称 株式会社エイチ・ビー・シー・フレックス) 【JRTT 鉄道・運輸機構】  Official Website Official Twitter Account  / jrtt_pr


Sydney's $3.2 Billion Tunnel Project Takes a Shocking New Direction

✨Welcome to the channel "Ultimate Mega Builds"✨ Sydney is renowned for iconic attractions like Bondi Beach, the Opera House, and the Harbor Bridge. However, navigating the CBD is a challenge due to heavy traffic. 🚗 To alleviate this, a new highway is being built beneath the harbor! 🌉 Initially, the plan involved an immersed tube tunnel, but in late 2022, significant changes were made. Now, massive tunnel boring machines (TBMs) will be used to create the Western Harbor Tunnel, a 3.2 billion project. This tunnel will reduce traffic by 35% on the Western Distributor Highway, 20% on the original Harbor Tunnel, and 177% on the Harbor Bridge! 🛣️ Despite environmental concerns and construction disruptions, the switch to TBMs is seen as beneficial for both the economy and the environment. The project, now set for completion in 2028, promises to ease Sydney's traffic woes. 🚧 ⏰CHAPTERS⏰ ► 0:00 SYDNEY 1:02 SYDNEY'S TRAFFIC WAS MORE SEVERE THAN IN MANY OTHER CITIES. 2:17 THE TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION IS DIVIDED INTO TWO PHASES. 5:06 THE TBMS WILL NEED TO TUNNEL DEEPER THEN THE PLANNED IMMERSED TUBE. 5:48 WHY THEY SWITCH TO A TBM APPROACH FOR THE WESTERN HARBOR TUNNEL? ✅ Follow me on social media ► / ultimate_mega_builds 💠Instagram: / @ultimatemegabuilds 💠YouTube: 📧📧 For business inquiries: e-mail 💖Thank you for watching this video, 👇 click the "🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴" button to stay connected with this channel. 💖💚 / @ultimatemegabuilds 🔗Subscription Link: Enjoy the video, and may your life be filled with joy and be well! ✨ #sydney #tunnelproject #megabuilds #infrastructure #engineering #construction #westernharbortunnel #sydneytraffic #travel #roadconstruction #civilengineering #sydneyharbor #tbm #trafficrelief #urbanplanning #harborbridge #bondibeach #sydneyopera #australia #megaproject #engineeringmarvel #tunnelboringmachine #urbaninfrastructure #cityplanning #sydneyattractions #australianews #traveltips #travelguide #constructionupdate #engineeringproject #transportation #australiatravel #citytraffic #constructiontechnology #projectmanagement #civilprojects #sydneynews #travelvlog #newhighway #infrastructurenews #buildingbig #sydneydevelopment #publicworks #cityimprovement #travelaustralia #urbanrenewal #engineeringinnovation #roadprojects #buildinginfrastructure #sydneytourism

Atlantic Ocean

The $12TRN Transatlantic Tunnel Proposal

For over a century, the idea of building a tunnel across the Atlantic ocean has fascinated the minds of visionaries. However, due to cost and feasibility concerns, the idea was always dismissed. Then, in 2003, engineers announced that a transatlantic tunnel was within the realms of possibility. Using a submerged floating tunnel, a connection across the northern Atlantic could potentially be built, linking New York City and London. If constructed, a transatlantic tunnel would be the largest construction project in world history. It would cost approximately 12 trillion dollars, take a century or more to build, and require thousands of workers. It would unite the Old and New Worlds, increasing tourism, business and international cooperation. Unfortunately though, it would come with a list of problems. Construction difficulty, safety hazards and cost issues would make the project incredibly challenging. Despite these issues, one day, a transatlantic tunnel may finally be built. If you enjoyed this video, please consider subscribing to Futurology for more content! Thank you to the following sources! Information: The Case For Transatlantic Undersea Trains Number of Atlantic air traffic passengers traveling to or from the United States from 2006 to 2022 and with forecasts until 2043 from wikipedia:Transatlantic tunnel Transatlantic Tunnel: 54 Minutes To Travel From London to New York Through a Vacuum Tunnel $100 Billion Transatlantic “VacTrain” Would Be Largest, Most Complex Project Ever VIDEO: Theoretical Transatlantic Tunnel Between North America and Europe The Case For Transatlantic Undersea Trains Is a Transatlantic tunnel technically possible today? How feasible would it be? TRANSATLANTIC MAGLEV Audio Storyblocks Graphics Statens vegvesen Graphics:Statens vegvesen • Statens vegvesen -The E39 Coastal Highway Route - Statens vegvesen • Statens vegvesen - Coastal Highway Route E39 animation (English voice) Crossrail Project •Meet Crossrail's giant tunnelling machines FemernAS • How the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel is being built CRRC • The World's First 600 km/h High-Speed Maglev Transportation System Delft Hyperloop • Delft Hyperloop - Passenger Experience

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Mega Canals

Central America


The Engineering Marvel called Panama Canal

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the Panama canal video. Your help in Patreon is crucial for us. / lesics (Patreon) , it will save my channel. You will also get access to exclusive videos. Hoping for your support - Cheers Sabin Mathew LinkedIn : / sabin-mathew / sabinsmathew (instagram : ) Twitter : : / sabinsmathew (Telegram ) / sabinzmathew (Facebook) Voice over artist :


$53 Billion Nicaragua Canal Rebuild Plan: INSANE Chinese Plan 💰🚢😲

53 Billion Nicaragua Canal Rebuild Plan: INSANE Chinese Plan 💰🚢😲 The Nicaragua Canal, also called the Nicaraguan Canal and Development Project, aimed to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through Nicaragua. Concerns arose about its environmental impact on Lake Nicaragua, a vital freshwater source, while experts doubted its feasibility. In 2013, Nicaragua's National Assembly granted a 50-year concession to the HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Group (HKND), led by Chinese businessman Wang Jing. By 2015, financial difficulties and delays raised doubts about the project's future. Despite claims of ongoing work, the project was widely seen as defunct by February 2018. HKND, which later vanished, retained legal rights to the concession.


How Did they Build the Suez Canal? 1859 to Today: Extreme Constructions | Documentary

We look back to the original construction of the Suez Canal, back in 1859, to show how it first came to be built, and how now, they are planning to widen it. It’s a major construction project, aimed at doubling the width of the Suez Canal and deepening its main waterway. 500 million cubic meters of sand and soil have already been transported from all over the world. Using unprecedented 3D images, we reveal how the canal will be widened. ------- Bear witness to monumental moments in human history, and human's most terrible crimes. Java Witness is home to incredible stories of good and evil, from fascinating stories of old, to chilling documents of heinous murders and modern-day mafias and gangs. From dinosaurs to medieval feasts, ancient wars and battles, through Kings and Queens, World Wars and critical world events, watch some of the best history documentary series, world history specials and more, all for FREE! Hit SUBSCRIBE and enable the bell notifications to know first about all new documentaries on the channel! At least 2 FULL documentaries available to watch FREE online every week! Subscribe to our Discover channel for more documentaries: / javafilms


South East Asia

Thailand’s $28BN Canal Across Itself Proposal

Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC or Mobile: Receive 13K GOLD & 1 month premium subscription, only available for the next 30 days! Thai has proposed constructing a 128 kilometer long canal across the Thai isthmus, bypassing the Malacca strait. The project, which would be 450 meters wide and 25 meters deep, would cost around 28 billion dollars and take 10 years to construct. It would save 1,200 kilometers in travel distance, reducing fuel costs and C0₂ emissions. It would also invigorate Thailand’s economy and allow Chinese vessels to avoid the US military presence near Singapore. However, its excavation would displace thousands of people and harm the natural ecosystem. It would also divide Thailand, allowing Muslim insurgents in the south to expand their movement. Furthermore, it would create tension with Thailand’s regional neighbors and would need highly advanced logistics to compete with Singapore. Lastly, it would put Thailand into debt and the center of a global geopolitical rivalry between China, the US and India. Due to all these issues, the Thai canal has faced serious resistance. Despite this, the Thai government still wants to connect the two oceans and in November 2023, they announced a $36BN land bridge across the isthmus, that would include highways, railways and pipelines. Whether this or the original Thai canal will ever be built, we will just have to wait and see. Information Potential effects of the Kra Canal on Vietnam’s maritime industry Thailand revives the Kra Canal but this time as a landbridge Analysis: Thailand’s proposed land bridge project easier than Kra Canal idea,
but steep challenges await
Thailand's 'Landbridge' will bring East and West closer together The Strait of Malacca’s Global Supply Chain Implications The Geopolitics of the Kra Canal China’s Reliance on Shipping Crude Oil Through the Straits of Malac (PDF) Asian Panama Canal,a vision or a mirage? Music Lux Inspira - Pave the Way SBA - Courage SBA - Power of Epic Orchestra SBA - Epic and Emotion HaTom - With You (Instrumental) Slenderbeats - Cigarette Solitude TURPAK - Shaping the Future Video Chapters 0:00-2:40 Context 2:40-4:20 Thai Canal 4:20-7:56 Benefits/Drawbacks 7:56-10:47 The Land Bridge


New Asia-Europe route: the super canal project from China to the Mediterranean Se

China and 20 countries are collaborating to build a new Grand Canal, creating a new Asia-Europe route. This project aims to provide a direct link from China's Xinjiang region to the Mediterranean Sea, altering the global shipping pattern. The plan includes the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, which passes through multiple countries, bypassing Russia. By utilizing the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, goods can be transported from Xinjiang to Europe more efficiently. Additionally, there is a possibility of constructing a canal across Kazakhstan, connecting Xinjiang directly to the Mediterranean Sea via inland seas and lakes. This ambitious project has the potential to revolutionize trade routes and provide significant benefits to China and Kazakhstan.


Unveiling Israel's Ambitious Canal Plan for Gaza

#israel #gaza #megaprojects Discover the controversial mega project that has resurfaced after decades and learn about Israel's ambitious new canal project aiming to rival the Suez Canal. Uncover the proposed path cutting through Gaza and explore the intricate details behind this major infrastructure undertaking. Join us as we analyze the motives driving the construction of this mega project. #megaprojects #gaza #israel


China’s $17 billion plan for a Canal across Europe

In 2013, China announced its Belt and Road Initiative for the first time. Since then, the country has been spearheading a staggering amount of mega-investments across the entire planet. One of these investments is a potential game-changing project in the Balkans: The Danube-Morava-Vardar/Axios canal. Estimated to cost around 17 billion USD, it would be one of China’s most costly single projects and could change the geopolitical and geoeconomic value of the region forever. This canal would connect the Danube river directly with the Mediterranean sea, thus presenting a new waterway which could be used to simply bypass the until now crucial Turkish Straits. In this video, we’ll take a look at China’s reasons behind the project, its negotiations with Serbia, North Macedonia and Greece, and also its impact in the region and beyond. Thanks for watching, consider subscribing for more content like this in the future! ____________________ Consider supporting this channel on Patreon: Link to my Patreon: / politicswithpaint ____________________ Music: Allemande (by Wahneta Meixsell) ____________________ Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction ____________________ Sources: Arsim Ejupi (2018)The idea of Morava-Vardar water canal and its long-term geopolitical context. In: GeoScape, 12(2), 84-91. :Dobrivoje Jovanovski (1993) Morava – Vardar (Axios) Navigation Route. Online Dragan Dunčić, Jelena Lukić (2013) The Project to Construct the Danube-Morava-Vardar-Aegean Canal :Alkis John Corres, Basil Tselentis (2014) An inland waterway option for sustainable freight transport in southeastern Europe. Online Milena Nikolic, Dragan Dincic (2014) The Waterway Danube-Morava-Aegean (Schiller Institute conference) Online: • Nikolic & Duncic - Die Wasserstraße D... ____________________ #china #balkans #geopolitics

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Mega Cities/New City Projects


Why the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Is Building A $35 BILLION New Mega City In Egypt

Why UAE Is Building A $35 BILLION New Mega City In Egypt - Ras El Hekma Egypt is in trouble, as it faces significant economic challenges with its currency experiencing a sharp decline. international investors are showing signs of hesitation, particularly in light of the $58 billion investment in the new administrative capital of egypt, which has yet to yield promising results. But, there is newfound hope for Egypt as the UAE steps in to make a change. In a ground-breaking move, Cairo recently inked a deal with Abu Dhabi to build a new city along the country's Northwestern Shore, and it is the largest foreign direct investment in Egypt’s history. Today let’s explore the upcoming new city set to transform Egypt. For more Mega Construction & Megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Billion Dollar Builds. Thanks for watching this video. #megaprojects #construction #engineering 0:00 A new hope for Egypt 1:41 Egypt’s Financial Crisis 3:05 The Deal To Build A New City 4:54 Features of Ras El-Hekma City 6:37 Controversies and Complications 8:57 UAE’s Grand Strategy 12:05 Potential of Egypt's New City ► For business related matters relating to our channel (including media & advertising) please contact:(E-Mail) Please note, the videos published on this channel fall under the remits of Fair Use. For the purpose of educating viewers on topics of construction, engineering and architecture, our team produces well-researched, authentic and unique content, aligning with YouTube policies and guidelines. ► Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. For any copyright related matters, please contact:(E-Mail)


High hopes for China’s Greater Bay Area, but integrating 11 cities will pose challenges

#scmp #HongKong #GreaterBayArea : Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here China is pushing ahead with a grand plan to merge 11 cities in the Pearl River Delta into one mega economic and business hub. It's called the Greater Bay Area, with each city playing its own unique role as in this economic powerhouse. But integrating all 11 cities into a megalopolis comes with a slew of challenges.

The South China Morning PostSupport us: (Subscribe) Follow us on: Website:South China Morning Post Facebook:South China Morning Post Twitter:South China Morning Post Instagram: South China Morning Post Linkedin:South China Morning Post / south-china-morning-post #scmp #HongKong #GreaterBayArea

The 5 Megaprojects That Will Reshape the Economy of China’s Tech Capital

ight now, some of the most ambitious infrastructure projects are rising across the city, set to reshape its economy and global influence. From world-class entertainment hubs to cuttingedge tech campuses and massive transportation upgrades, Shenzhen is proving once again why it's a city of the future. #Shenzhen #China #Chinatravel #architechture #infrastructure

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Nusantara: The $35 Billion Megacity In The Jungle (2024

Discover the astounding Nusantara, a $35 billion megacity hidden in the heart of the jungle, set to be completed by 2024. Explore the innovative urban planning, sustainable infrastructure, and lush green surroundings that make this project a true marvel. Join us as we delve into the future of urban development in this tropical paradise. 𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒 𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐎𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒! ▶ If you enjoy this video, please like it and share it. ▶ Don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates. ▶ Subscribe now 🔔: @TheSuperStructures 🎬 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐎𝐒: ✅ 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊: 🔔 / @thesuperstructures

South Korea

Songdo: Go Inside The City Of The Future


#Urbanization #Songdo #NewCities This is a rough cut of a documentary about the new city of Songdo in South Korea. This is a new city that was built from scratch on land that was reclaimed from the sea and is essentially the vanguard of the new city building movement that has swept across Asia and Africa. #Songdo #NewCities #Urbanization

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Mega Fusion Projects

ITER from Wikipedia

Nuclear Fusion: Updates & Impacts

Nov 10, 2024 Explore the latest breakthroughs in nuclear fusion technology and their potential global impacts. Watch my exclusive video Orbital Farms: Join Nebula:Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: Join Nebula Get a Lifetime Membership to Nebula for only $300: Use the link gift. to give a year of Nebula to a friend for just $30. Visit our Website: Join Nebula Support us on Patreon: Support us on Subscribestar: Facebook Group: Reddit: on Twitter and RT our future content: SFIA Discord Server Credits: Nuclear Fusion: Updates & Impacts Episode 472a; November 10, 2024 Produced, Narrated & Written: Isaac Arthur Editors: Darius Said & Dillon Olander Graphics: Jeremy Jozwik Ken York YD Visual Mafic Stufios Udo Schroeter Select imagery/video supplied by Getty Images Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound Stellardrone, "In Time", "Divine Cosmos", "Red Giant"

Creating Fusion Power: The Quest for the Ultimate Energy Source | FD Engineering

#FreeDocumentary #Documentary #fusionenergy Creating Fusion Power: The Quest for the Ultimate Energy Source | Engineering the Future Genius Inventions - Technical Marvels That Will Shape Tomorrow: • Genius Inventions: Technical Marvels ... An engineering revolution is underway. Driven by dedicated individuals who are building extraordinary machines that will change our lives. It is the greatest technological challenge ever undertaken by humankind. The quest to produce the ultimate energy solution…Fusion. It’s been called ‘bottling a star but so immense are the challenges, the goal of a power-producing fusion reactor has so far remained elusive and out of reach….until now ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Free Documentary - Engineering Channel for free: Instagram: / free.documentary Twitter: Facebook: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #FreeDocumentary #Documentary #fusionenergy ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ “Engineering: the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building and use of engines, machines and structures.” So says the Webster definition. Our newest Free Documentary family member Free Documentary - Engineering is all about engineering - and bringing our community the best documentaries on engineering.

Is The World's Largest Fusion Project Dead?

Members first on July 21, 2024 🚀 Take control of your schedule and boost your productivity with time-blocking! : Try Akiflow today ITER is already billions of dollars over budget and decades behind schedule. Not even its leaders can say how much more money and time it will take to complete. We're launching a Patreon (like literally today), check it out! Support us and science, here: / drbenmiles (Patreon) 0:00 The Trouble with ITER 1:27 The Goals of ITER 2:29 Why ITER is SO big 4:00 Explaining the Delays 5:45 Ad Read 6:49 ITERs Cost Comparison 8:52 The Big Science Argument 10:28 What Should We Do About ITER? 🚀 JOIN US for members-only content: / drbenmiles (Patreon) 🤘👨‍🔬 ROCKSTAR SCIENTIST Merch: 📸 INSTAGRAM / drbenmiles If you enjoy the channel and want even more physics, tech, and business content, I've just launched new Instagram and Threads pages. Follow on the links below 📸 INSTAGRAM / drbenmiles Threads Newsletter A few people have asked so I've added the info below. Some of these are affiliate links. If you make a purchase it doesn't cost you anything extra, but a percentage of the sale will help support this channel and my work to bringing entrepreneurship into science. My camera : My lens: RØDE Wireless GO Ultra-compact Wireless Microphone System with Built-in Microphone – Black RØDE Lavalier GO Professional Lavalier/Lapel Microphone for Broadcast,
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Other Projects


Belt and Road Initiative 10th Anniversary: Chinese firms excel globally.

Power Construction Corporation of China has been instrumental in realizing the vision of the Belt and Road Initiative, connecting East and West. Through its endeavors in clean and low-carbon energy, water resources, and environmental construction, Power China has established prominent projects in over 130 countries. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, these projects illustrate Power China's commitment to quality and their contribution to global infrastructure. Expanding into Singapore, Pakistan, Laos and more, Power China has taken on complex and challenging tasks from hydropower stations to airports, showing their competence and adaptability.

The Real Reason Dubai's Palm Jebel Ali Failed

One of the most unique mega projects around are the Palm Islands in Dubai, but the Palm Jebel Ali has been an empty mega project for many years now, how can a project with such insane engineering be fully built and just sit empty? Today we look at the Palm Jebel Ali, as well as a number of projects in Dubai that sit empty with no movement on construction and find out why this keeps happening:

Top 20 Biggest Megaprojects Completing in 2024

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Thank you to Ground News for sponsoring this video! For more skyscraper & megaproject content make sure to subscribe to MegaBuilds! 0:00 Top 20 Biggest Megaprojects Completing in 2024 0:30 Ciel Tower 1:07 Notre Dame 2:14 NEOM Sindalah 3:36 FOUR Frankfurt 4:16 New Santiago Bernabeu 5:15 Navi Mumbai International Airport 6:20 Mumbai Trans Harbour Link 7:06 Phase 4 of the Incheon Airport Upgrade 7:56 Woven City 8:50 Gordie Howe International Bridge 9:49 Phase 1 of Qiddiya 10:58 LaGuardia Airport Project 13:39 New Melbourne Metro Tunnel 14:24 2024 Paris Olympics 15:15 Line 5 Eglinton 15:50 Sydney Metro City & Southwest 16:48 Samsung Chip Factory 17:27 Tren Maya 18:28 Red Sea Project 19:40 Plant Vogtle Reactor 3 & 4 #megaprojects #construction #skyscrapers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► OTHER INTERESTING VIDEOS: • Paris' $10BN Olympic Games Makeover •The Most Useless Megaprojects in the World • The Biggest Megaprojects in the World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► OUR OTHER CHANNELS: MegaBuilds in Español: @Megaproyectos. MegaBuilds in German: @Megabauten ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact us: topluxuryinfo[at] ► OTHER INTERESTING VIDEOS: • The Most Terrifying Bridges in the World • Top 20 Biggest Megaprojects Completing in 2024 • Most Insane Bridge Demolitions in the World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► OUR OTHER CHANNELS: Good News: @Good__News MegaBuilds in Español: @Megaproyectos. MegaBuilds in German: @Megabauten


World's Largest Mega Projects Under Construction In Australia That Cost $500 Billion

World's Largest Mega Projects Under Construction In Australia That Cost $500 Billion

Current Megaprojects Under construction (2025)

If THIS CRAZY MEGAPROJECT Is Completed, WORLD Will Change Forever! Top 20


If THIS CRAZY MEGAPROJECT Is Completed, WORLD Will Change Forever! Top 20 Some structures and transportation projects look like they have been transported to us from the future. But have you ever wondered how much money was spent on their construction? I'll let you in on a secret: the cost of most of them exceeds billions of dollars. In this video, you will get to know the most expensive projects in the world that are currently under construction. For copyright matters, please contact us at:

Bali's Insane Plan to Build a $20B Subway

#megaprojects #construction #bali Bali is planning to build a $20B urban subway! The goal: Efficiently connect the most highly touristed areas in Bali and solve the traffic problem. But, what do the locals have to say about it? And is it going to destroy Bali's identity? For more megaprojects content, be sure to subscribe to MegaBuilds! 0:00 Bali's Insane Plan to Build a $20B Subway 0:53 The History of Bali 3:35 Overtourism 5:00 The Bali Urban Subway 7:17 Current Progress 8:02 Problems and Criticisms #megaprojects #construction #bali ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► OTHER INTERESTING VIDEOS: The 25 Biggest Megaprojects Completing in 2025 Mexico’s $30B Jungle Railway The Struggle to Complete Hawaii’s $11B Railway ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► OUR OTHER CHANNELS: Good News: ‪@Good__News‬ Freddy: ‪@Freddy-Again‬ MegaBuilds in German: @Megabauten MegaBuilds in Español: @Megaproyectos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Are Hiring: Contact us: (Via E-mail)

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Expanded Wikipedia articles on the grand Inga dam

Grand Inga Dam

Current Inga dams (wikipedia

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